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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第354期:小扎夫人:再捐30亿,攻克疾病,教育革命,服务全人类

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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1. One year ago, our daughter Max was born and we launched Chan Zuckerberg Initiative with the goal of dramatically improving their lives of all those in Max's generation. Our mission is ambitious, advancing human potential and promoting the quality. And make sure we don't miss a single soul, we reach every individual. We asked ourselves: in our children's life time, is it possible for them to learn a hundred times what we do today. Can we ease the suffering of many by caring, preventing or managing all the diseases that affect us now?
These are big questions and they are incredibly personal for me. I am a daughter of Chinese-Vietnam's refugees. My parents didn't come to this country with much and they tried their best to navigate this world. My mother who's here, she worked long hours and multiple jobs to make sure that my sisters and I have the best opportunities possible.
As a child of refugees and first generation to go to college, I have ended up in a place with incredible,seemingly limitless opportunity. Realizing that I was incredibly lucky to be where I was sparked and continuous to drive me to ensure that others, regardlessof background, can have their opportunity to reach their dreams and their full potential.


2. In college, I let in on of an after-school program, very close to where I grew up. Our official job was to help kids with their homework. But in reality, we did whatever we needed to do to give those kids a chance to thrive. Those kids were the soul of my college experience.
One day, a school councilor came to me to look for a kid who missed several days in school. I haven't seen her either but I agreed to go and help find that student and see what's happening. After program that day I step out and went to the playground and found her immediately. I saw why she hadn't been to school. Her two front teeth were broken and she was shamed to be seen. My heart and mind were flooded with questions. What had happened to her? Was she hurt? Were her teeth infected? What could I have done to prevent this? That last question quested me. The question is simple but the answer is so complexed that I had no tools to tackle.
一天,一个学校委员来找我,问询一个好几天没来上学的孩子的下落。我也没见过她,但我同意去帮忙找到这个学生,看看到底发生了什么事。这天活动结束后,我走出来,立即在操场上找到了她。我明白了她为什么没有去上学,她的两颗门牙碎了, 她因此感到很羞辱,不想让别人看见。我的心里和脑袋里顿时产生了无数的问号:她到底发生了什么事? 她疼吗?她的牙齿感染了吗? 我本可以做些什么来防止这种情况发生? 最后一个问题难住了我。这个问题很简单,但答案是如此复杂,我当时并没有工具来解决它。
That question drove me to medical school to help expand my tool box of skills to help children, all children to thrive. Over time, my work as an educator and as a pediatrician has let me to think bigger about what's possible, what can we do to enable Max and every child in her generation to exceed all of dreams of what we currently think is possible.
这个问题驱使我进了医学院,让我扩展我工具箱里的技能来帮助孩子们,所有的孩子们,茁壮成长。多年来作为一个教育工作者和一个儿科医生的经历,令我敢于设想更大的可能性, 设想我们能做些什么让马克斯他们这代的每一个孩子超越所有我们目前认为有可能实现的梦想。
3. How we can best make an impact for every child to be passionate about learning and to learn more than we ever thought possible? After six years of learning and iterating, we believe that personalized learning can help us to reach that goal. Personalized learning recognizes that children all have different needs: academic, physical and emotional wellbeing, learning styles and interests. By building new tools and systems, we can get students ownership over their learning; access to resources that really resonate with them and opportunities to see their learning come to life.
怎么样才是最好的方式来影响每一个孩子,使他们热爱学习并学到远超出我们想象的内容? 经过六年的学习和反复验证,我们相信“个性化学习”可以帮助我们达到这一目标。个性化学习承认每个孩子都有不同的需求: 学术方面的,身体方面的,情绪健康方面的、学习风格方面的和兴趣方面的。通过构建新的工具和系统,我们可以让学生们拥有学习自主权;使他们获得真正能让他们产生共鸣的学习资源和趣味学习的机会。
At primary school, we are doing that for the early childhood and elementary world, integrating health development and parental support. As to yesterday, we are now serving more than a hundred families. In the middle school and high school world, we're helping build a number of school models and tools to help children build their core knowledge and skills in the way that best suit them, serving more than 20,000 students in over a hundred schools nationwide. And outside the traditional classroom, we are investing the companies like “Byjus” that's giving 250,000 students access to incredible high quality of materials to augment their in-school-learning.
在小学里,我们在为幼儿和小学生开展“个性化学习”, 同时融合健康发展和父母的支持。到昨天为止,我们服务的家庭已经超过了一百个。在初中和高中,我们在帮助建立一系列学校模型和工具,以帮助孩子掌握最适合他们的核心知识和技能, 为全国一百多所学校的20000多名学生服务。在传统课堂之外,我们还投资了像“Byjus” 这样的公司,给250000名学生提供无以伦比的高质量的材料来补充他们的校内学习。
We believe in the power of personalized learning and that we can uniquely contribute by supporting the leaders and building model tools to help teachers and learners reach that vision.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

thrive [θraiv]


vi. 兴旺,繁荣,茁壮成长

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

augment [ɔ:g'ment,'ɔ:gmənt]


vt. 增加,补充
vi. 扩大

expand [iks'pænd]


v. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀,

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

ambitious [æm'biʃəs]


adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的

ownership ['əunəʃip]


n. 所有权

emotional [i'məuʃənl]


adj. 感情的,情绪的

exceed [ik'si:d]


vt. 超过,胜过,超出界限
vi. 领先





