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No one is coming to make your life better for you. No one is coming. You are responsible for your life, for your self-confidence.

没人会来让你的生活更美好 没人会来 你为自己的生活负责 获得自信

For your self-esteem, for your happiness. No one is coming. So he was talking about this in one of his workshops.

自尊 幸福 没人会来 他在研讨会上谈到了这个

That's a three-day workshop. And this was already on the third day and the workshop was going well.

那是一个为期三天的研讨会 这已经是第三天了 研讨会进展顺利

The participants were getting a lot out of it. And he said, he told them about this idea that no one is coming. And one of the participants raises his hand and says.

参与者都学到了很多 他说 他告诉他们没人会来 其中一名参与者举手说

"Dr. Branden, that's not true. " And Nathaniel Branden asks him, "What do you mean?" And he says, "Dr. Branden, you came", to which Branden responded.

"Branden博士 事实并非这样" Nathaniel Branden问他"为什么?" 他说 "Branden博士 你来了" Branden回应道

"Yes, I came. But I came to tell you that no one is coming. " No one is coming. It's up to you to make the most out of this experience.

"没错 我来了 但我是来告诉你没人会来" 没人会来 能否最大限度地从这次经历中获益全在于你

1504, your sections, your Harvard experiences and beyond. And we, as the teaching staff, can't wait to create the right conditions for that to happen.

1504号课程 你的小组 你的哈佛经历等等 我们作为教师 我们迫不及待想为之创造适合条件

See you on Thursday.





