Francis Firebrace is an Aboriginal storyteller of the Yorta Yorta people in Australia.As wellas telling stories, he is an inspirational speaker, an entertainer and an artist.He also describes himself as a passionate humanitarian. He has entertained and inspired people from all over the world with his Dreamtime stories – traditional tales from his culture.
弗朗西斯·福尔布雷斯是一位澳大利亚Yorta Yorta部落的土著说书人。除了讲故事,弗朗西斯也是一位鼓舞人心的演讲者,表演者和艺术家。弗朗西斯也称自己是充满激情的人道主义者。弗朗西斯用取自自己文化中的传统故事——《梦幻时光》鼓舞激励着全世界的人们。
Francis was brought up in the Australian bush and lived a life very close to nature. Whenhe was seven, he moved to a village of 300 people, which he thought was a city. He wasn'tused to seeing groups of more than ten. He grew up wanting to be white and said: “That was sad but it…gives me compassion for other people.”Firebrace spent his twenties on the land hunting rabbits and kangaroos, and listening to his elders telling the stories that are passed down through generations. When he was 28, he moved to Canberra and got into filmmaking. He won an international film award, which changed his life 180 degrees.
He now performs on television, at Sydney's Opera House, and at festivals across the globe.Firebrace says he is a “travelling storyteller” and gets his stories by swapping them with other tribal people.“All my stories are selected for their meanings and positive messages. The only way to make change is to go out there and give people another view of life. That'swhat I do through my stories, my paintings and my philosophy,” he said.
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