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- As movie goers take on Sausage Party if they're able to get past the raunchiness, racial stereo typing, and brutal profanity,
- [by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com]
- they may find an interesting take on one of the great questions of our time on the existence of God.
- 观看《香肠派对》的观众如果能够无视猥琐、种族定型论及野蛮亵渎等因素,
- Many argue that Sausage Party has an atheistic feel, pushing the there is no God agenda,
- 那么他们也许会发现质疑上帝的存在性是件很有趣的事情。
- while others feel the movie promotes the argument that higher powers exist, but identifying it as the enemy to be feared and hated.
- 很多人认为《香肠派对》倡导无神论,认为上帝根本不存在,
- With so many arguments and trying to peg the exact belief system Sausage Party supports is completely missing the point.
- 但其他人却觉得这部电影证明了上帝的存在,并将上帝视为恐惧和憎恶的敌人。
As movie goers take on Sausage Party if they're able to get past the raunchiness, racial stereo typing, and brutal profanity, they may find an interesting take on one of the great questions of our time on the existence of God.

Many argue that Sausage Party has an atheistic feel, pushing the there is no God agenda, while others feel the movie promotes the argument that higher powers exist, but identifying it as the enemy to be feared and hated. With so many arguments and trying to peg the exact belief system Sausage Party supports is completely missing the point.
来源:可可英语 //www.utensil-race.com/Article/201608/462107.shtml