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This optimistic scenario depends on converting today’s antagonism into a force for change. The primaries have made clear that a large share of American voters are angry: angry with their own side’s representatives, angry with their opponents and angry with the world.
1 scenario 设想;方案;预测
2 convert 转变,转换,转化
3 antagonism 对抗,敌对
So far, that anger has been channelled into divisiveness. On the right, Mr Trump has exploited the discontent by insulting his way to the front of the pack, stirring up racial resentment as he goes, delighting crowds with a list of proposals that run from the unethical to the unworkable. On parts of the left, the rage is more polite but, particularly where it is aimed at Wall Street, no less deeply felt.
1 channelled 将(精力或情感)专注于;集中
2 divisive 造成不和的;引起分歧的;制造分裂的
3 exploit利用(…为自己谋利)
4 insulting侮辱的;有冒犯性的;无礼的
5 pack all the people who are behind the leaders in a race, competition, etc. (统称)竞赛中的落后者
6 stir up 激起(感情)
7 racial 种族的; 人种的; 存在或发生于种族之间的
8 resentment 愤恨,不满;
9 delight使高兴;使愉快;使快乐
10 unethical 不道德的
11 rage 暴怒;狂怒
In recent elections partisan fissures have been reinforced by the brutal maths of voter turnout. Polling shows that a majority of Republicans and Democrats believe that the other lot are so depraved as to pose a threat to the nation itself. Because it is hard to persuade people who think like this to switch sides, electoral strategists argue that chasing swing voters is pointless. The easiest extra votes come from the 40% of the electorate who typically stay at home in a presidential poll. Each side therefore concentrates on stirring up people who support it but might not vote. That raises the anger to a new pitch.
1 partisan 坚定的支持者;铁杆拥护者
2 fissures 裂缝,裂隙
3 brutal 直截了当的;直言不讳的;直率的
4 voter turnout 选民投票率
5 depraved 道德败坏的;堕落的;腐化的
6 electorate(一国或一地区的)全体选民
If this desperate logic is repeated in a Clinton v Trump race, the contest could have consequences both ugly and far-reaching, particularly for the Republicans. After winning a race fuelled by anger and led by Mr Trump, the party would almost certainly ditch its attachment to free trade and a muscular foreign policy and retreat into isolationism, xenophobia and economic populism. If it survived that shift (a big if), it would by the middle of the century be a white-nationalist party in a country that will be majority non-white. More likely, it would fracture, parts of the Republican coalition spinning off to find a new home elsewhere (see page 36).
1 desperate 绝望的;孤注一掷的;铤而走险的
2 far-reaching 影响深远的 广泛的,常常接consequences 影响深远的后果;意味深长
3 fuelled (以…)作为燃料的
4 ditch 摆脱;抛弃;丢弃 5attachment 喜欢;爱慕;
5 muscular 忠诚 强壮的;肌肉发达的
6 retreat 退却;撤退
7 isolationism 孤立主义;
8 xenophobia 对外国人的憎恶[恐惧];
9 populism 平民政治;民粹主义;民意论 10fracture 断裂,折断,破裂
10 coalition 同盟,联盟 1
1 spin off 脱胎(于某事物);(从某事物)派生,衍生;随之而产生 spin快速旋转
For Mrs Clinton, going down the angry route might not split the party, but would almost certainly result in defeat. Democrats tend to fare poorly when their anguish overflows and begins to sound like contempt for America. It is hard to imagine Mrs Clinton credibly playing the political insurgent. She has decades of experience when the angriest voters want a novice. Nobody can out-hate Mr Trump. So it is encouraging that Mrs Clinton celebrated her victories on Super Tuesday by calling for more “love and kindness” in politics.
1 anguish 剧痛;极度痛苦;苦恼
2 overflow 漫出;溢出;泛滥
3 contempt 鄙视;蔑视;轻视
4 fare [单独使用的动词] well, badly, better, etc. to be successful/unsuccessful in a particular situation 成功(或不成功、更好等)get on The party fared very badly in the last election.
The opportunity for a better outcome lies in the asymmetry of the risks. Mrs Clinton has the opportunity to put together a coalition of anti-Trump voters broader than the one that carried Barack Obama to victory in 2008 and 2012. Despair over Mr Trump has reached such an intensity among some Republicans that the usual rules about there being no swing voters may no longer apply. If Mrs Clinton were to combine a high turnout on her own side with a sizeable number of Republican abstentions and spoilt ballots and some voters who are prepared to switch from red to blue, then Democrats could not just win the presidency with a landslide, but also wrest back control of the Senate.
1 asymmetry 不对称的
2 intensity强烈;紧张;剧烈
3 spoilt宠坏的;娇惯坏的
4 ballot(无记名)投票选举;投票表决
5 landslide一方选票占压倒多数的选举;一方占绝对优势的选举
6 wrest (尤指艰难或非法地)攫取,抢夺 Senate 参议院
7 swing voter 持独立选票的人;游离选民
8 usual rules 通用规则
注释:设有众议院和参议院的国家有很多,下面以美国打比方,美国的参议院有共和党和民主党,还有部分小党派。众议院是根据公民人数组成的,众议员代表着选民的利益,所以人口多的州众议员也多,表决的优势也就多。 参议院是来自各州的,每州两人,总数一百人,参议员代表着各州的利益。美国所有的政策法规提案都是由众议院起草并通过,而后提交参议院审核。参议院只能表决通过或是不通过,但不能对提案进行修改。 这样的权利分工的目的是: 任何提案都是为了公民的利益,但不能因人口多的州,而损害到人口少的州的利益。 所以众议院为了让提案在参议院能够顺利通过,在草拟提案是就必须考虑到各州的利益,一旦参议院通过,就最后交给总统批准执行。 总统则代表着整个国家的利益,他可以有权否定提案。
To form this coalition for stopping the blond Berlusconi, Mrs Clinton would have to woo moderate, business-minded Republicans, and such folk would in turn have to put the national interest ahead of their tribe’s victory in November. Republicans like to talk about the importance of character (see Lexington); Mr Trump offers a chance to show that means something. Mr Trump often insults other Republicans; they owe him no loyalty. Some prominent Republicans have already begun to attack him, including Mitt Romney, the party’s nominee in 2012. More will have to make that move.
1 Berlusconi 贝卢斯科尼
2 woo 争取…的支持;寻求…的赞同 求爱
3 folk 人们;大家 4tribe 部落
4 prominent 突出的,杰出的; 突起的; 著名的;
Don’t throw it away After the election a broad coalition could melt away as fast as it had formed. Democrats could use their advantage to force through what they can without the support of their opponents while they have the chance. They would then be punished in subsequent elections and the federal government would return to its familiar divided self: unable to pass budgets, trim spending on entitlements or find money to repair roads.
melt融化 subsequent 随后的;后来的;之后的;接后的 trim 修剪;修整
Or a President Hillary Clinton might argue for the virtues of democratic compromise, and not claim that she can magically give her core voters everything they want all of the time. If she were able to pursue a different kind of politics, one that seeks to deal with some Republican concerns as well as Democratic ones, she might just hold the new consensus together for longer, reshaping the parties, making the country more governable and burying Mr Trump’s offer of an America turned against itself. This is the distant promise that 2016 holds. As the battle lines are drawn, try to bear it in mind.
1 virtues 高尚的道德;正直的品性;德行
2 consensus 一致的意见;共识

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重点单词   查看全部解释    
spin [spin]


v. (使)旋转,疾驰,纺织,结网,眩晕

combine [kəm'bain]


v. 结合,联合,使结合
n. 集团,联合企业

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

melt [melt]


vi. 融化,熔化,消散
vt. 使融化,使熔

resentment [ri'zentmənt]


n. 怨恨,愤恨

persuade [pə'sweid]


vt. 说服,劝说

despair [di'spɛə]


n. 绝望,失望
vi. 失望

divisive [di'vaisiv]


adj. 区分的,分裂的,不和的

moderate ['mɔdəreit,'mɔdərit]


adj. 适度的,稳健的,温和的,中等的

pitch [pitʃ]


n. 沥青,树脂,松脂
n. 程度,投掷,球场


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