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I have to say canadian,Have you seen canadian porn?

我必须说加拿大A片 你看过加拿大A片吗

I can't say have seen canadian porn,How is it different?

我没看过加拿大A片 它有什么不同

I'm just going to say it right now.The canadians are the nicest people on earth.

我说说在前头 加拿大人是世界上最和善的人

I mean,you guys,I don't know why they are so nice.I guess because they live so much closer to santa.

我的意思是 我不知道他们为什么这么和善 可能是因为他们住得离圣诞老人很近吧

I have no idea.But their adult movies,not,you know,it's mostly hugs and hand shakes.and

我完全不知道 但是他们的A片 并不 多数情况下就是拥抱和握手

you know,when somebody orgasms,they scream,goal.

有谁高潮时 就叫嚷着得分

Because I'm old, know,it probably creeps out the crowd.

因为我老了 柯南 这可能会吓坏你们

But you know the older you get,you don't stop masturbating.I'm masturbating,and

虽然老了 也不会停止打飞机 我在打飞机

you know,I do it on my side,because of my hip.I don't want to break it.Thank you.

我侧身打飞机 因为我的屁股 我不想摔坏屁股 谢谢

And I you know,take an aspirin for my heart.You know,that's the way I do it.

我吃了一片阿司匹林 预防心脏病 我就是这样的

Say you're responsible about it.yeah,I'm very responsible.

你很负责 是的 我很负责

And you know,tip of the hat to the ladies,because I think the ladies now are really taking care of themselves with these sex toys.

我要向女士们致敬 因为我觉得女士们用性玩具 把自己照顾得很好

You were talking about it in the beginning.I think every woman should have a vibrator.That's what I think.

你一开始说到了 我觉得每个女人都该有按摩棒 我就是这么想的

This side mostly.yeah,that's a responsible thing to say.

大部分是这边的观众 这样说真负责

yeah,I will tell you,I'll never forget the first time I saw my ex-girlfriend using vibrator.

是啊 我告诉你们吧 我永远也忘不了我第一次见到我前女友用按摩棒的景象

It blew my mind,because my roommate was holding it and

那让我震撼了 因为我室友拿着按摩棒呢

Even the camera guys are clapping about the one.We've all been there.

就连摄影师 都鼓掌了 我们都经历过

Because,you know,let's face it.I think you konw,size is important.

因为 我们面对现实吧 我觉得尺寸很重要

I think that's the way it goes.It got quiet again.Size is important.

我觉得就是这样 又安静了 尺寸很重要

重点单词   查看全部解释    
scream [skri:m]


n. 尖叫声
v. 尖叫,大笑

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

inflation [in'fleiʃən]


n. 膨胀,通货膨胀

insecurity [,insi'kjuərəti]


n. 不安全;不牢靠;无把握;心神不定


关键字: 柯南 脱口秀




