Dialogue 1
Mark:Ah! Jingjing! I'm in a grind!
Jingjing: What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost!
Mark: Yeah, I just got in a wreck. My parents are gonna bite my head off.
Jingjing: Really? Are you okay? How about your car?
Mark:I'm fine, but my car is totaled! They gave that car to me last year when I graduated college, it cost thirty grand! I don't know what to do!
Jingjing: Just stay calm! Accidents happen. I'm sure it wasn't your fault.
Mark: Actually it was. I really goofed up, Jingjing. I was texting and driving. I wasn't paying attention to the road.
Jingjing: Mark! What's gotten into you? That doesn't seem like something you'd do!
Mark: I know. I don't know what I was thinking. Jingjing, what am I supposed to do?!
Jingjing: Look, you need to be blunt with your parents and tell them what happened. I'm sure they'll forgive you! After all, they're your parents.
Mark: Okay, I'm gonna go home now and spill the beans.
Jingjing: Good luck!
New words for dialogue:
in a grind=痛苦折磨,处于困难的境地
You look like you've seen a ghost.=你看起来像见了鬼一样(你看起来真的很害怕或紧张;有时指人的脸很苍白)。
get in a wreck=出了一场车祸
bite someone's head off=把某人的头咬断,指对某人非常生气而大声喝斥
grand=千(通常指金钱);例如:10 grand=$10,000
to goof up=出大错
texting and driving=驾驶车辆时发短信(一种常见但非常危险的违反交规的行为)
What's gotten into you?=你是怎么想的?如果你问别人“What's gotten into you?”,那么他们很可能做了一些令人震惊或似乎不像他们会做出来的事情。
spill the beans=说实话
Dialogue 2
Jingjing:So? How did it go with your parents? Are they ticked off?
Mark: No. They were more worried than anything. They were just happy I wasn't hurt. The good news is that the insurance will cover the cost of the car.
Jingjing: Wow, it sounds like they are letting you off pretty easy. What's the catch?
Mark: The catch is that they are making me pay the deductable, and they told me I'm not allowed to send text for a month.
Jingjing: No text messages? I think I would go bananas! I love sending texts. I bet you can't wait for this month to go by, huh?
Mark: That's right, next month I'll be like a dog with two tails. Although, I swear I'll never send another text while driving again.
Jingjing: Look on the bright side, at least you'll save a lot of money this month by not having to send texts. Texting can be expensive.
Mark: That's true! I never thought about that. With all this left over money, I think I might go buy some books that I've been wanting to read.
Jingjing: See, Mark. This whole ordeal has turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Mark: Hey, how come you always seem to cheer me up? Do you have magical powers or something?
Jingjing: No, I'm just awesome! That's all…
New words for dialogue:
in a grind=痛苦折磨,处于困难的境地
You look like you've seen a ghost.=你看起来像见了鬼一样(你看起来真的很害怕或紧张;有时指人的脸很苍白)。
get in a wreck=出了一场车祸
bite someone's head off=把某人的头咬断,指对某人非常生气而大声喝斥
grand=千(通常指金钱);例如:10 grand=$10,000
to goof up=出大错
texting and driving=驾驶车辆时发短信(一种常见但非常危险的违反交规的行为)
What's gotten into you?=你是怎么想的?如果你问别人“What's gotten into you?”,那么他们很可能做了一些令人震惊或似乎不像他们会做出来的事情。
spill the beans=说实话