If you are with... when you see a paper
如果 当你看到一篇文章的
with less than 60% of participation rate don't read it
样本参与率不足60%时 你就不用再读下去了
Don't lose your time Put it in the trash
不要浪费你的时间 把它扔到垃圾桶里
Or so if it is totally original...no meaning You take a piece of money
不管它声称自己多么具有原创性 你拿出一枚硬币
you toss it in the air you have exactly the same result
扔到半空中 正面反面的几率各占一半
Don't play with that I think that it must be a limit
不要和这样的文章较劲 我认为在流行病学研究中
of what is acceptable and is not acceptable to have too much refusal rate in the study
存在一定的拒绝参与率是合理的 但什么比例可以被接受
in the epidemiologic study I understand that the first is a kind of limitation
什么不能被接受 这是有一个限度的 我理解 首先局限性是存在的
but you must know that The second thing is that you must look
但你必须知道这点 其次你必须关注
if what is saying like general population is truly representative You know, it's representative of 15 states in America
这个一般性人群是否具有代表性 我们的样本选择了美国15个州 很有代表性
We...so 138 millions and this was verified with official censors of America
所以一共涉及到1.38亿人口 这个数据得到了美国官方审查数据的证实
one by one individual So I am telling you this is probably crucial
每个人都是真实的 所以我告诉你们这点很重要
The age range is between 18 and 102 years I don't go in the details of methodology
年龄从18岁到102岁不等 我不打算详细讲解研究方法的问题
You can find it inside of the publication So what is the information that we are collecting?
你们可以从发表的文章上找到相关信息 那么我们收集了哪些信息呢?