Why Don’t Americans Travel Internationally?
internationally adv.国际性地
Not enough money in the pocket of the average American.
pocket n. 口袋
average adj. 平均的,普通的
Americans gonna find alternative destinations, Orlando Florida offers Universal Studios,Sea world and Diseny world.
alternative adj. 可供选择的
destination n. 目的地
NY city is a great melting pot of the world, I go to NY city and I’m able to find a person from China in the same town and someone from Italy, someone from Ireland is having pizza with someone from Mexico.
melting pot 熔炉(指的是同化许多名族的国家或者城市)
Howaii’s beaches are unmatched, you’ve got some of the most extraordinary resorts in the world right there in Howaii.
unmatched adj. 无与伦比的
extraordinary adj. 非凡的,特别的
resort n. 疗养地,度假胜地
You can go to Hollywood see The Walk of Fame, see the most famous actors and actress all time.
The Walk of Fame 星光大道
In U.S. there is not many holidays, neither Golden weeks for holiday.
Golden week 黄金周
According to Forbes, the United States is the only advanced economy that does not require employers to provide paid vacation time.
advanced adj. 高级的,发达的
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