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骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第136期:书评(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet



And we talked about this a little bit before

在这之前 关于这个我们就稍微谈论了一下
You can say this is part of the magic
But they emphasize the importance of education
But it's not just education
We kind of get three things coming together to help him pull it out, right?
我们认为有三件东西 帮助他将剑拔出 对吗
We have his friends, all his friends, all the things he's changed into, all the things he's encountered
其中有他所有的朋友 所有他已经改变了的事物 所有他遇到的事物
His friends help him, his knowledge helped him helps him
他的朋友们 他的知识帮助了他
I can't speak today and love helps him
今天我必须说的是 爱帮助了他
Cause they all come we read that longer paragraph toward the bottom of 204 "on account of love "
因为所有这些都具备了 我们读到204页底部的较长一段 "是因为爱"
And so we get back to how Arthur interacts with everybody and everything as opposed to like Kay
我们回到亚瑟是如何与每个人 和每件事相互影响的 这与Kay 是截然不同的
So experience, knowledge come together to help him with his friends' encouragement and love
因此经历 知识共同的帮助他 当然还有他朋友们的鼓励和爱
And so on the third try, you know, Wart pulls the sword on 205:
第三次尝试 在205 页 Wart 试图拔剑
The Wart walked up to the great sword for the third time Wart
He put out his right hand softly and drew it out as gently as from a scabbard
他慢慢地伸出右手 将它拔出 就好像是从刀鞘里拔出一样
I always complain at meetings on campus when they say,
我总是抱怨在大学会议上 他们总是说
"All in favor raise their right hand," and I say you know,
"同意的请举起你们的右手 " 你们知道
I always tend to be obnoxious in such things
I say, "Well, you know, I'm left-handed I find that offensive "
我说 "你知道的 我是左撇子 我觉得那样会冒犯我 "
So people start saying, "Raise a hand if you're in favor," which just seems only fair to me
因此人们开始说"同意的请举手" 这看起来对我是公平的
Anyway, he gives the sword to Kay
不管怎样 他将剑交给了Kay
So Arthur supposedly knows the significance of what he's done
Because he hasn't read it, he hasn't heard it
他不明白 因为他没有听见
Kay knows the significance, though, and Kay is not an honorable knight Kay
尽管Kay 知道其中的意义不是一个值得人尊敬的骑士
He is more like Sir Brussels Pite
他更像是Brussels Pite先生
He's not what we want to become
He's more representative of how things were
And he says, "Hey, look, Dad I got the sword "
他说"看 爸爸 我得到了这把剑"
His dad kind of knows what Kay's like,
他的父亲了解Kay 是什么样的人
so they go back to where the sword came from and says
oh, he says, "Oh, wow I lied, Dad "
他说到"爸爸 我撒谎了 "
He says, on 206, about line 13, 14:
在206页 大约第13 或14行处
He said, "I am a liar Wart pulled it out "
他说到"我是个骗子 是Wart 拔出了剑"
As far as the Wart was concerned, there was a time after this in which Sir Ector kept telling him Ector
与Wart相关的是 在这之后有一次先生一直告诉他
to put the sword back into the stone which he did
把剑插回去 他真的这么做了
and in which Sir Ector and Kay then vainly tried to pull it out
Ector先生和Kay 随后试图将剑拔出来 但结果都是徒劳
And so Wart obviously can keep pulling it out and keep putting it back in, and nobody else can
显然 Wart 能再次将剑拔出 然后再将剑插回去 其他人则做不到
Ector now admits that Wart is not his son Ector
So he is now destined to be king It says clearly, in Chapter 24,
因此他注定是国王 第24章中说到
the people were sick of anarchy, they're sick of lawlessness,
人们彻底厌恶了无政府状态 也彻底厌恶了毫无法纪
they're sick of Might as Right;
they're sick of the world as it existed under Uther Pendragon
Merlyn, of course, knew all of this and reappears and says,
当然梅林知道所有的这些 他再次出现并说
"I just couldn't tell you "
On the bottom of 208, "Well, Wart," said Merlyn, "here we are or were again "
在208页底部 "Wart"梅林说到 "我们就在这儿 再一次"
I read some of this and I start getting confused and have to reread the sentence
我读到这 我开始觉得困惑 我不得不再读一遍这个句子

重点单词   查看全部解释    
honorable ['ɔnərəbl]


adj. 光荣的,可敬的,尊敬的

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

emphasize ['emfəsaiz]


vt. 强调,着重

tend [tend]


v. 趋向,易于,照料,护理

offensive [ə'fensiv]


adj. 令人不快的,侮辱的,攻击用的

complain [kəm'plein]


vi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉

representative [repri'zentətiv]


adj. 代表性的,代议制的,典型的
n. 代

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

scabbard ['skæbəd]


n. (刀、剑)鞘,枪套 vt. 将 ... 插入鞘中

confused [kən'fju:zd]


adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu





