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美国学生世界地理教材(MP3+中英字幕) 第144期:熊的故事(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


You may wonder why people live in such faroff places, why they don't move to other places that are more comfortable.But people live where they can make a living, and cities usually start with a few houses and more and more houses are built until there is a city.But there is a great city farther south than Archangel which was built all at once—to order.It was built by a man named Peter, who was one of the rulers of Russia. They were called "czars."Peter wanted to live by the water so that he could sail ships, just as you might like to go to the seashore to sail boats,so he built a city by the sea, with streets, shops, houses, and palaces, and then, as he was a czar who could make people do what he wanted,he made people come and live in this city.Peter had been named for St. Peter, so he called his city St. Petersburg, which meant St. Peter's City.That was two hundred years ago.When Russia was fighting in World War I the people of St.Petersburg said that they wanted a real Russian name for their city,for "burg" was the German name for city, and they were fighting the Germans, so they called it Petrograd, which was the Russian name for Peter's City.But the people got tired of the war and all of a sudden they said they would not fight any more;they had a revolution, killed the czar and set up a government of their own.They wanted the city of Petrograd called for the leader of the revolution, a man named Lenin,so they changed the name of the city again to Leningrad, which meant Lenin's City.Russia, but it was so cold there they moved the capital to a city still farther south near the center of Russia that had been the capital before.This city is called Moscow.




