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骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第108期:亚瑟的教育(11)

来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Anyway, she's lying on a bed of lard It kind of grosses me out
  • 无论如何 她是躺在猪油床上 是让我讨厌的一类事物
  • About 15 lines up from the bottom
  • 最后从底部往上总共是十五行
  • in the end they came to the inner chamber where Morgan le Fay the big bad, bad witch in the book lay stretched upon her bed of glorious lard
  • 他们来到了内室 也就是仙女摩根躺的地方 这本书中所描述的这一强大 邪恶的女巫 在她的极好猪油床上伸展四肢
  • What is glorious lard as opposed to un-glorious lard?
  • 那么与非极好猪油相对照的极好猪油是什么
  • Is this top of the line lard?
  • 是在这一猪油线上的顶部吗
  • Is this AAA quality according to the FDA lard?
  • 根据美国食品及药物管理局对猪油的规定是属于三A质量吗
  • She was a fat, dowdy, middle-aged woman
  • 她是一位肥胖 邋遢以及中年妇女
  • There's going to be a great scene in Excalibur you're going to really like
  • 在亚瑟王的神剑上有一个场景相信你们会很喜欢
  • that these witches can use their power to make themselves look good
  • 也就是这些女巫可以用魔法将他们自己变得好看点
  • So, what you see is you see what they project
  • 因此 你们所见到的就是你们见到他们所计划的
  • If somehow they lose their witchly powers they have to use them for other purposes
  • 如果不知何故他们没有了魔法 那么他们必须使用这些魔法用于其他目的
  • They look how they really look
  • 他们的样子就是他们实际上的样子
  • So, that's what they're wondering here
  • 因此 那就是他们在这儿想什么
  • She was a fat, dowdy, middle-aged woman with black hair and a slight moustache
  • 她是一个肥胖 邋遢 有着黑色头发的中年妇女 以及少许的胡须
  • She was made of human flesh
  • 她也是有血有肉的
  • So, again remember iron is the magic thing
  • 因此再一次请记住铁是很具魔法的东西
  • They rescue the people; go up to her as if to perhaps attack her
  • 他们拒绝这些人 慢慢走近她好像准备去袭击她一样
  • The whole thing disappears
  • 所有的一切都消失了
  • What's Kay's view of things?
  • 那么凯对这些事物的态度是什么
  • I'm not real big on using the word mine or my
  • 我不擅长使用 mine 或者my 这些单词
  • Kay is isn't he?
  • 凯也是 对吧
  • He refers to this as "my adventure"
  • 他称其为 我的历险
  • So, it's like even though Art had arranged this it's his
  • 因此 尽管好像是安特已经安排好这是他的
  • He says at the very end now then said Kay, "This is my adventure" and "We must go home quick"
  • 他说在最后凯说道 是我的历险以及我们必须马上回家
  • So, Pellinore has been out after a questing beast for 17 years going on 18 years now
  • 所以 在找寻怪兽十七年之后 柏林诺已经出去了 现在已经是第十八年了
  • He's still up to it What's Kay?
  • 他仍然对此很坚持 凯是什么
  • Kay wants to have this quick little adventure, quick little quest
  • 凯想要参与这一次快速短途历险 快速小幅度的搜索
  • Then, he wants to run home again
  • 接着 他想要再次跑回家
  • So, he is not curious He's just I don't like the guy that much
  • 因此 他不是很好奇 他只是不是很喜欢那家伙
  • It's just fairy telling
  • 只是讲故事而已
  • Morgan le Fay however, this is not the end of the adventure
  • 然而 仙女摩根 这并不是这次历险的结束
  • He had set the Griffin free The Griffin attacks They shoot arrows
  • 他已经释放了梅妮芬怪兽 梅妮芬怪兽进行了攻击 他们放箭反攻
  • It swipes at Wart, hurting him
  • 沃尔特遭到了攻击 并且受了伤
  • Kay's arrow happens to hit it in the eye and kills it
  • 凯的箭碰巧射中了它的眼睛 并且将它杀死了
  • As the boys are going back to the castle again comments on attitudes towards people in society he can give them each a gift
  • 在男孩们再一次回到城堡时 又有了关于对身处社会上人们态度的评论 他可以赠送给每个人一份礼物
  • Kay wants the Griffin's head since the Griffin itself obviously 24 feet tall
  • 凯想要梅妮芬怪兽的头颅 因为这只怪兽很明显有24英里高
  • is too big to take back to castle of the Forest Sauvage
  • 是不是太庞大而不能带回森林的城堡
  • What does Wart want?
  • 沃尔特想要什么



Anyway, she's lying on a bed of lard It kind of grosses me out

无论如何 她是躺在猪油床上 是让我讨厌的一类事物
About 15 lines up from the bottom
in the end they came to the inner chamber where Morgan le Fay the big bad, bad witch in the book lay stretched upon her bed of glorious lard
他们来到了内室 也就是仙女摩根躺的地方 这本书中所描述的这一强大 邪恶的女巫 在她的极好猪油床上伸展四肢
What is glorious lard as opposed to un-glorious lard?
Is this top of the line lard?
Is this AAA quality according to the FDA lard?
She was a fat, dowdy, middle-aged woman
她是一位肥胖 邋遢以及中年妇女
There's going to be a great scene in Excalibur you're going to really like
that these witches can use their power to make themselves look good
So, what you see is you see what they project
因此 你们所见到的就是你们见到他们所计划的
If somehow they lose their witchly powers they have to use them for other purposes
如果不知何故他们没有了魔法 那么他们必须使用这些魔法用于其他目的
They look how they really look
So, that's what they're wondering here
因此 那就是他们在这儿想什么
She was a fat, dowdy, middle-aged woman with black hair and a slight moustache
她是一个肥胖 邋遢 有着黑色头发的中年妇女 以及少许的胡须
She was made of human flesh
So, again remember iron is the magic thing
They rescue the people; go up to her as if to perhaps attack her
他们拒绝这些人 慢慢走近她好像准备去袭击她一样
The whole thing disappears
What's Kay's view of things?
I'm not real big on using the word mine or my
我不擅长使用 mine 或者my 这些单词
Kay is isn't he?
凯也是 对吧
He refers to this as "my adventure"
他称其为 我的历险
So, it's like even though Art had arranged this it's his
因此 尽管好像是安特已经安排好这是他的
He says at the very end now then said Kay, "This is my adventure" and "We must go home quick"
他说在最后凯说道 是我的历险以及我们必须马上回家
So, Pellinore has been out after a questing beast for 17 years going on 18 years now
所以 在找寻怪兽十七年之后 柏林诺已经出去了 现在已经是第十八年了
He's still up to it What's Kay?
他仍然对此很坚持 凯是什么
Kay wants to have this quick little adventure, quick little quest
凯想要参与这一次快速短途历险 快速小幅度的搜索
Then, he wants to run home again
接着 他想要再次跑回家
So, he is not curious He's just I don't like the guy that much
因此 他不是很好奇 他只是不是很喜欢那家伙
It's just fairy telling
Morgan le Fay however, this is not the end of the adventure
然而 仙女摩根 这并不是这次历险的结束
He had set the Griffin free The Griffin attacks They shoot arrows
他已经释放了梅妮芬怪兽 梅妮芬怪兽进行了攻击 他们放箭反攻
It swipes at Wart, hurting him
沃尔特遭到了攻击 并且受了伤
Kay's arrow happens to hit it in the eye and kills it
凯的箭碰巧射中了它的眼睛 并且将它杀死了
As the boys are going back to the castle again comments on attitudes towards people in society he can give them each a gift
在男孩们再一次回到城堡时 又有了关于对身处社会上人们态度的评论 他可以赠送给每个人一份礼物
Kay wants the Griffin's head since the Griffin itself obviously 24 feet tall
凯想要梅妮芬怪兽的头颅 因为这只怪兽很明显有24英里高
is too big to take back to castle of the Forest Sauvage
What does Wart want?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

quest [kwest]


n. 探索,寻求
v. 寻找,搜索

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

rescue ['reskju:]


vt. 营救,援救
n. 营救,救援

slight [slait]


adj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的

adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试

opposed [ə'pəuzd]


adj. 反对的,敌对的 v. 和 ... 起冲突,反抗

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的





