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骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第104期:亚瑟的教育(7)

来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Otherwise you may summon a fairy, a little person, I ought to have said, who goes by the same name
  • 否则的话你们可能是召唤一个仙女 一个矮小的人 我原本应该说的 是谁通过相同的名义去判断
  • Once you have summoned it, it comes and it can take you away
  • 一旦你们召唤它 它就会来到并且将会把你带走
  • This is what has happened to Dog Boy, to Wat, to Friar Tuck and to a dog
  • 这也就会发生在狗孩童 瓦特 塔克修士与一只狗身上
  • And so the purpose is going to be the quest is going to be, the adventure is going to be,
  • 因此这一木匾将会变成一次探索 将会变成一次探险 将会变成
  • if you will to save the people who have been taken by the fairies
  • 如果你要打算去拯救那些被仙女带走的人们
  • In chapter 11 starting about 103 they come up with this only a boy or a girl can get into the Castle Chariot
  • 在第十一章从一百零三页开始 他们将会想出这一问题 只有男孩或者女孩才可以进入战车城堡
  • They start talking about unicorns I started throwing out unicorns a lot
  • 他们开始讨论独角兽 我开始狠狠否决了独角兽
  • We're going to have an adventure with a unicorn later
  • 我们稍后会进行一次独角兽的历险
  • Actually, I was watching some intellectual show in TV, which I usually don't watch
  • 事实上 我过去一直观看一些知识类节目 通常我是不会观看的
  • I am more for B stuff on TV
  • 我更加喜欢电视上B类节目
  • I get enough intellectual stuff at school so I like to just let my mind vegetate and watch really worthless stuff
  • 我在学校已经了解了足够多的知识性节目 因此我只是想让我思想变得简单点 观看些事实上不是很有价值的节目
  • I was watching something and they were talking about narwhals
  • 我在观看某些节目 他们在讨论独脚鲸
  • It's a type of whale, which you evidently find up in the Artic
  • 这是鲸类的一种 能够很明显地在北极发现
  • They think that its horn is the source of the unicorn legends
  • 他们认为它的角是是独角兽传说的根源
  • It has this strange, big, like tusk that comes out of the top of its head that they can't even figure out its function for anymore
  • 它拥有这样奇怪 巨大像长牙的东西 从它的头部长出来 他们甚至指不出它的作用或者其他的作用
  • And so, it's like a small whale with a hard tusk
  • 而且 它像是一只有着硬长牙的小鲸
  • So, these things were harvested and the legend of the unicorn grew up
  • 因此收获了这些东西并且独角兽的传说也在慢慢成长
  • Who can catch a unicorn?
  • 谁能够抓住一只独角兽呢
  • Yeah, only virgins
  • 是的 只有处女
  • This is all too sexual even for Freud but unfortunately we're going to have to tolerate it
  • 这甚至对于弗洛伊德来说也太有性别歧视了 但是很不幸的是 我们不得不去忍受
  • They're going to come back and talk about it later,
  • 他们即将回来 并且我们稍后会讨论
  • even Morgause who's this old gad about woman
  • 甚至那位年老的喜欢闲逛的女性摩根斯
  • She's the one who seduces Arthur
  • 她就是那位引诱亚瑟的女性
  • In the later adventure she's the one who will be the virgin for some people trying to catch the unicorn
  • 而在稍后的历险中 她就是那位对于一些人来说 试图抓获独角兽的处女
  • Yeah, fat chance
  • 是的 机会渺茫
  • She's kind of a wacko
  • 她属于疯子一类的人
  • She's going to get her just deserves much later when she's like 70 and seduces somebody who is like 20
  • 她打算让她在很久之后 当她看起来像70岁去引诱一个20岁的人
  • Fortunately, this is in writing and not in photos
  • 很幸运地是 这是在写作中 不是在照片里
  • Kay, we've talked about Kay
  • 凯 我们已经讨论过了凯
  • Is Kay up for this adventure?
  • 凯适合这一次历险吗
  • He doesn't seem to be up for many adventures,
  • 他似乎不适合很多次历险



Otherwise you may summon a fairy, a little person, I ought to have said, who goes by the same name

否则的话你们可能是召唤一个仙女 一个矮小的人 我原本应该说的 是谁通过相同的名义去判断

Once you have summoned it, it comes and it can take you away

一旦你们召唤它 它就会来到并且将会把你带走

This is what has happened to Dog Boy, to Wat, to Friar Tuck and to a dog

这也就会发生在狗孩童 瓦特 塔克修士与一只狗身上

And so the purpose is going to be the quest is going to be, the adventure is going to be,

因此这一木匾将会变成一次探索 将会变成一次探险 将会变成

if you will to save the people who have been taken by the fairies


In chapter 11 starting about 103 they come up with this only a boy or a girl can get into the Castle Chariot

在第十一章从一百零三页开始 他们将会想出这一问题 只有男孩或者女孩才可以进入战车城堡

They start talking about unicorns I started throwing out unicorns a lot

他们开始讨论独角兽 我开始狠狠否决了独角兽

We're going to have an adventure with a unicorn later


Actually, I was watching some intellectual show in TV, which I usually don't watch

事实上 我过去一直观看一些知识类节目 通常我是不会观看的

I am more for B stuff on TV


I get enough intellectual stuff at school so I like to just let my mind vegetate and watch really worthless stuff

我在学校已经了解了足够多的知识性节目 因此我只是想让我思想变得简单点 观看些事实上不是很有价值的节目

I was watching something and they were talking about narwhals

我在观看某些节目 他们在讨论独脚鲸

It's a type of whale, which you evidently find up in the Artic

这是鲸类的一种 能够很明显地在北极发现

They think that its horn is the source of the unicorn legends


It has this strange, big, like tusk that comes out of the top of its head that they can't even figure out its function for anymore

它拥有这样奇怪 巨大像长牙的东西 从它的头部长出来 他们甚至指不出它的作用或者其他的作用

And so, it's like a small whale with a hard tusk

而且 它像是一只有着硬长牙的小鲸

So, these things were harvested and the legend of the unicorn grew up


Who can catch a unicorn?


Yeah, only virgins

是的 只有处女

This is all too sexual even for Freud but unfortunately we're going to have to tolerate it

这甚至对于弗洛伊德来说也太有性别歧视了 但是很不幸的是 我们不得不去忍受

They're going to come back and talk about it later,

他们即将回来 并且我们稍后会讨论

even Morgause who's this old gad about woman


She's the one who seduces Arthur


In the later adventure she's the one who will be the virgin for some people trying to catch the unicorn

而在稍后的历险中 她就是那位对于一些人来说 试图抓获独角兽的处女

Yeah, fat chance

是的 机会渺茫

She's kind of a wacko


She's going to get her just deserves much later when she's like 70 and seduces somebody who is like 20

她打算让她在很久之后 当她看起来像70岁去引诱一个20岁的人

Fortunately, this is in writing and not in photos

很幸运地是 这是在写作中 不是在照片里

Kay, we've talked about Kay

凯 我们已经讨论过了凯

Is Kay up for this adventure?


He doesn't seem to be up for many adventures,


重点单词   查看全部解释    
unicorn ['ju:nikɔ:n]


n. (传说中的)独角兽

quest [kwest]


n. 探索,寻求
v. 寻找,搜索

tolerate ['tɔləreit]


vt. 容忍,忍受

intellectual [.intil'ektʃuəl]


n. 知识份子,凭理智做事者
adj. 智力的

adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试

whale [weil]


n. 鲸
vi. 捕鲸
v. 鞭打,

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

worthless ['wə:θlis]


adj. 无价值的,无用的,可鄙的





