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  • I was really moved by these experiences,
  • 我被这些真实的故事深深打动了
  • and I decided that I wanted to write about them
  • 我之前计划只是写一本书来记录
  • not only in a book I was working on, but also in an article,
  • 但是现在我觉得远远不够,我还要写一篇文章
  • and so I got a commission from The New York Times Magazine to write about depression among the indigent.
  • 所以我跟纽约时报杂志说好,写一篇有关低收入群里中抑郁症的报告
  • And I turned in my story, and my editor called me and said,
  • 当我写好之后,我的编辑打电话给我说
  • "We really can't publish this."
  • 我们真的没办法发表这个
  • And I said, "Why not?"
  • 然后我问, "为什么?"
  • And she said, "It just is too far-fetched.
  • 她说, "故事太牵强了"
  • These people who are sort of at the very bottom rung of society
  • 这些人生活在接近社会底层的地方
  • and then they get a few months of treatment and they're virtually ready to run Morgan Stanley?
  • 然后他们经过了六个月的治疗,然后他们就可以去管理摩根史坦利了?
  • It's just too implausible."
  • 太没有说服力了
  • She said, I've never even heard of anything like it."
  • 她说, "我从来没有听过这样的事情"
  • And I said, "The fact that you've never heard of it is an indication that it is news."
  • 然后我说, "你从没有听说过"恰恰说明这个是一个'新闻'
  • "And you are a news magazine."
  • 而且你们是一家新闻媒体啊
  • So after a certain amount of negotiation, they agreed to it.
  • 来回协商了几次之后,他们同意发表了
  • But I think a lot of what they said was connected in some strange way
  • 但是他们说的话让我想了很多,他们这种态度跟另外一个观点多少有点关系
  • to this distaste that people still have for the idea of treatment,
  • 即很多人还是反感抑郁症需要治疗这个观点
  • the notion that somehow if we went out and treated a lot of people in indigent communities,
  • 好像这就意味着我们会开始大规模的开始治疗低收入者
  • that would be an exploitative thing to do, because we would be changing them.
  • 这将是一件带有剥削性质的事情,因为我们是在改造他们
  • There is this false moral imperative that seems to be all around us
  • 看起来我们所有的人都受到一种教条的影响
  • that treatment of depression, the medications and so on, are an artifice,
  • 即治疗抑郁的疗法也好,药物也好,都是人造的产物
  • and that it's not natural.
  • 并不是自然的结果
  • And I think that's very misguided.
  • 我觉得这完全是使入歧途了
  • It would be natural for people's teeth to fall out,
  • 虽然人老了掉牙是很自然的时候
  • but there is nobody militating against toothpaste, at least not in my circles.
  • 但是这并不影响任何人使用牙膏,至少我的周围没有
  • And people then say, "Well, but isn't depression part of what people are supposed to experience?
  • 人们可能会接着问, "那么, 抑郁本身不应该是我们注定需要经历的一个过程么
  • Didn't we evolve to have depression?
  • 难道抑郁不是我们的演化的结果么
  • Isn't it part of your personality?"
  • 难道这不是你个性的一部分么
  • To which I would say, mood is adaptive.
  • 对此我的看法是,情绪是有适应性的
  • Being able to have sadness and fear and joy and pleasure
  • 对于我们而言,能够感受喜怒哀乐
  • and all of the other moods that we have, that's incredibly valuable.
  • 以及其它丰富的情感意义重大
  • And major depression is something that happens when that system gets broken.
  • 而当一个人总是抑郁的时候,那一定是他的情绪系统出问题了
  • It's maladaptive.
  • 不再能够适应环境了
  • People will come to me and say,
  • 有些人会跟我这样说,
  • "I think, though, if I just stick it out for another year, I think I can just get through this."
  • "即便如此,我想如果我自己再多熬一年,我就可以走出抑郁了
  • And I always say to them, "You may get through it, but you'll never be 37 again.
  • 对此我总是这样回答, "或许你能够自己走出来,但是失去的青春你再也找不回了
  • Life is short, and that's a whole year you're talking about giving up. Think it through."
  • 人生苦短,你现在却在跟我说要浪费一年的时间,你再想想
  • It's a strange poverty of the English language, and indeed of many other languages,
  • 关于抑郁这种情感,英语中用来形容的词出奇地少,当然别的语言也多不到哪里去
  • that we use this same word, depression,
  • 我们用'depression'这一个单词
  • to describe how a kid feels when it rains on his birthday,
  • 即用来描述一个小孩子生日那天下大雨的心情
  • and to describe how somebody feels the minute before they commit suicide.
  • 也用来描述一个自杀者自杀前一分钟的感觉
  • People say to me, "Well, is it continuous with normal sadness?"
  • 人们会问, "这是不是就是长时间的悲伤?"
  • And I say, in a way it's continuous with normal sadness.
  • 某种意义上可以这么理解
  • There is a certain amount of continuity,
  • 悲伤和抑郁之间有一定的连续性
  • but it's the same way there's continuity
  • 但是他们之间的连续性就像是
  • between having an iron fence outside your house that gets a little rust spot
  • 悲伤可以看成是你房子周围的铁栅栏有一点生锈了
  • that you have to sand off and do a little repainting,
  • 你需要用沙纸打磨一下重新喷漆
  • and what happens if you leave the house for 100 years
  • 但是如果你的房子100年没有人住了
  • and it rusts through until it's only a pile of orange dust.
  • 那么铁栅栏会锈蚀到只剩下一堆黄锈
  • And it's that orange dust spot, that orange dust problem,
  • 悲伤和抑郁的差别就好比生了一点锈和锈蚀到什么都没有了
  • that's the one we're setting out to address.
  • 后者是我们要解决的问题



抑郁的反面不是快乐, 而是活力. 而抑郁的时候, 我们变得死气沉沉. 在这次深刻而颠覆性地演讲中, 作家安德鲁·所罗门将我们带入了与抑郁抗争的那段日子中, 他思想中最深谙的角落. 抑郁的经历让他开始环游世界寻找并采访其他的抑郁症患者——结果他发现, 随着他演讲次数的增多, 越来越多的人开始跟他分享自己的故事。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
indication [.indi'keiʃən]


n. 表示,指示,象征

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

negotiation [ni.gəuʃi'eiʃən]


n. 谈判,协商

valuable ['væljuəbl]


adj. 贵重的,有价值的
n. (pl.)贵

rust [rʌst]


n. 铁,锈
vi. 生锈,变成红棕色



n. 横档,脚蹬横木;地位 v. 给…打电话(ring的

continuous [kən'tinjuəs]


adj. 连续的,继续的,连绵不断的

evolve [i'vɔlv]


v. 进展,进化,展开

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<





