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  • I was struck by the fact that depression
  • 我很不能理解为什么
  • is broadly perceived to be a modern, Western, middle-class thing,
  • 人们普遍的把抑郁症看成是现代西方中产阶级特有的一种病
  • and I went to look at how it operated in a variety of other contexts,
  • 于是我开始寻找抑郁症与其它社会因素的关联
  • and one of the things I was most interested in was depression among the indigent.
  • 在可能相关的社会因素中,我对贫困和抑郁的关系特别感兴趣
  • And so I went out to try to look at what was being done for poor people with depression.
  • 于是我做了一些研究,尝试去了解穷人是如何治疗抑郁的
  • And what I discovered is that poor people are mostly not being treated for depression.
  • 我发现大多数情况下,穷人的抑郁症不会得到治疗
  • Depression is the result of a genetic vulnerability,
  • 抑郁属于基因的缺陷
  • which is presumably evenly distributed in the population,
  • 这意味着在不同的人群中容易抑郁的人的比例应该是一样的
  • and triggering circumstances,
  • 生活环境的不同导致了发病率的不同
  • which are likely to be more severe for people who are impoverished.
  • 而当人们处于贫困的生活环境中时,抑郁症的发病率更高,也更严重
  • And yet it turns out that if you have a really lovely life but feel miserable all the time,
  • 但是,如果你的生活一帆风顺,然后你觉得自己一直都不开心
  • you think, "Why do I feel like this? I must have depression."
  • 你会反思, "我为什么不开心? 我一定是抑郁了."
  • And you set out to find treatment for it.
  • 然后你会去找医生给你治疗
  • But if you have a perfectly awful life, and you feel miserable all the time,
  • 但是如果你的生活本来就很糟糕,然后你一直都不开心
  • the way you feel is commensurate with your life,
  • 你的感觉和你的生活状态是相称的
  • and it doesn't occur to you to think, "Maybe this is treatable."
  • 于是你就不会想到这个是病,"或许这个可以治疗一下"
  • And so we have an epidemic in this country of depression among impoverished people
  • 所以实际上我们这个国家的低收入人群中,抑郁症像是传染病一样流行
  • that's not being picked up and that's not being treated
  • 但是却一直没有被人注意过,没有人评估过患病的规模
  • and that's not being addressed, and it's a tragedy of a grand order.
  • 也没有人为这些低收入者提供治疗,这是非常大的一个悲剧
  • And so I found an academic who was doing a research project in slums outside of D.C.,
  • 后来我发现了一位研究人员,她当时正在华盛顿特区周边的贫民窟中做与之相关的一项研究
  • where she picked up women who had come in for other health problems and diagnosed them with depression,
  • 当有妇女前来看其它的疾病时,她会邀请这些妇女做一个抑郁症的诊断
  • and then provided six months of the experimental protocol.
  • 同时提供一份六个月的实验协议
  • One of them, Lolly, came in, and this is what she said the day she came in.
  • 其中有一位女士,名叫洛莉,以下是她第一天到诊所来的自述
  • She said, and she was a woman, by the way, who had seven children.
  • 她说她是一位母亲,7个孩子的母亲,
  • She said, "I used to have a job but I had to give it up because I couldn't go out of the house.
  • 她说,"我曾经有一份工作, 但是不得不辞掉了,因为我无法离开我的屋子。"
  • I have nothing to say to my children.
  • 我一句话都不想跟我的孩子们说
  • In the morning, I can't wait for them to leave,
  • 早晨,我迫不及待的让孩子们出门上学
  • and then I climb in bed and pull the covers over my head,
  • 然后立刻爬上床蒙头大睡
  • and three o'clock when they come home, it just comes so fast."
  • 然后下午三点他们就陆续回家了,时间过得太快了
  • She said, "I've been taking a lot of Tylenol, anything I can take so that I can sleep more.
  • 她说, "我已经吃了很多的泰诺(一种止痛药),以及其它所有能够让我多睡一会儿的东西
  • My husband has been telling me I'm stupid, I'm ugly. I wish I could stop the pain."
  • 我的丈夫一直说我蠢,说我令人讨厌,我真希望能够结束这痛苦
  • Well, she was brought into this experimental protocol,
  • 然后她接受了实验协议开始进行治疗
  • and when I interviewed her six months later,
  • 六个月之后当我去采访她的时候
  • she had taken a job working in childcare for the U.S. Navy,
  • 她有了一份新工作,在美国海军(的幼儿园)照看孩子,
  • she had left the abusive husband, and she said to me,
  • 她离开了以前那个虐待她的丈夫,她对我说
  • "My kids are so much happier now."
  • 我的孩子们现在比以前开心多了
  • She said, "There's one room in my new place for the boys and one room for the girls,
  • 她说,现在我的新家有两个孩子的卧室,男孩子们一间,女孩子们一间
  • but at night, they're just all up on my bed,
  • 到了晚上的时候,他们都会来到我的房间
  • and we're doing homework all together and everything.
  • 我们一直做家庭作业,做其它的事情
  • One of them wants to be a preacher, one of them wants to be a firefighter,
  • 一个儿子立志做一名牧师,另一个想要做消防队员
  • and one of the girls says she's going to be a lawyer.
  • 我的一个女儿想要做一名律师
  • They don't cry like they used to, and they don't fight like they did.
  • 他们不像以前那样哭得那么频繁,也不再像以前那样相互打来打去了
  • That's all I need now is my kids.
  • 看着这些孩子,我现在觉得很满足
  • Things keep on changing, the way I dress, the way I feel, the way I act.
  • 一切都在不断的变好,我的穿着,我的情绪,我的言行
  • I can go outside not being afraid anymore,
  • 我不会再像以前那样害怕出门
  • and I don't think those bad feelings are coming back,
  • 也不会再担心糟糕的心情会卷土重来
  • and if it weren't for Dr. Miranda and that,
  • 如果没有米兰达医生(那位研究人员)的帮助
  • I would still be at home with the covers pulled over my head, if I were still alive at all.
  • 我现在可能还我在家里,用被子蒙住头呼呼大睡,或许我已经死了
  • I asked the Lord to send me an angel, and he heard my prayers."
  • 我曾祈祷上帝为我下凡一位天使,而上帝听到了我的声音."



抑郁的反面不是快乐, 而是活力. 而抑郁的时候, 我们变得死气沉沉. 在这次深刻而颠覆性地演讲中, 作家安德鲁·所罗门将我们带入了与抑郁抗争的那段日子中, 他思想中最深谙的角落. 抑郁的经历让他开始环游世界寻找并采访其他的抑郁症患者——结果他发现, 随着他演讲次数的增多, 越来越多的人开始跟他分享自己的故事。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
experimental [iks.peri'mentl]


adj. 实验(性)的,试验(性)的

vulnerability [.vʌlnərə'biliti]


n. 易受攻击,弱点,[计]漏洞

commensurate [kə'menʃərit]


adj. 同样大小的,相称的

miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的

genetic [dʒi'netik]


adj. 基因的,遗传的,起源的

academic [.ækə'demik]


adj. 学术的,学院的,理论的

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

protocol ['prəutəkɔl]


n. 规章制度,草案,协议,外交礼仪

epidemic [.epi'demik]


n. 传染病,流行病
adj. 流行的,传染性

depression [di'preʃən]


n. 沮丧,萧条





