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全球社会热点新闻报道 第23期:家庭成员间的爱有所不同

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Love is different among family members


Your family surely love you, but how much and how they love you are different. When you are in trouble, some will help you till the end; some will give you a few words of encourage; some will only make a response and do nothing.
Terri Schiavos case is a good example of it. When she fell in vegetative state, the reaction of her husband and parents were different.
The parents of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo have ended their appeals in the federal court system following another ruling against them by a three-judge panel in Atlanta, Georgia. The Florida Circuit Court Judge who ruled to disconnect their daughters feeding tube more than a week ago also ruled against another appeal from Terri Schiavos parents on Saturday.
大脑受损的美国佛罗里达州女子特丽·夏沃的父母结束了他们在联邦法院的上诉。在此之前, 位于乔治亚州亚特兰大的联邦法院的3名法官再次作出了对她父母不利的判决。一个多星期前,判决拔掉特丽·夏沃进食管的佛罗里达 州巡回法院法官于星期六也驳回了戛沃父母的又一次上诉。
Ms. Schiavos parents are making what they say is one last appeal to the Florida Supreme Court to have their daughters feeding tube re-attached, but they are given little chance of success.
Bob and Mary Schindler gave up their effort in Federal Court to re-attach their daughters feeding tube, after the 11th Circuit Court of appeals in Atlanta denied their third appeal. Last Sunday, the US Congress passed an emergency bill allowing the Schindlers to appeal their case in Federal Courts. Days later, after a series of dramatic appeals through the Federal Court system, the US Supreme Court refused to order Terri Schiavos feeding tube re-attached.
在亚特兰大第十一联邦巡回上诉法院第三次拒绝了他们的上 诉后,龅勃和玛丽?辛德勒放弃了对要求联邦法院系统重新给他们 的女儿接上进食管的上诉。上星期天,美国国会通过了一项紧急法律,允许辛徳勒夫妇向联邦法院申诉。几天后,在向联邦法院提出一系列引人注目的上诉均以失败告终后,美国最离法院也拒绝下令重新给特丽·夏沃接上进食管。
Terri Schiavos husband Michael, who is her legal guardian, has been locked in a legal struggle with the Schindlers for more than a decade. Mr. Schiavo says his wife told him and others that she did not want to be kept alive by artificial means. Terri Schiavo slipped into what medical experts call a persistent vegetative state after suffering massive brain damage brought on by a heart attack in 1990.
特丽?莨沃的丈夫兼法律监护人麦克尔·夏沃已经和辛德勒夫妇就是否进行人工维持特面的生命打了 10多年的官司迈克尔·夏沃先生说,他的妻子曾经告诉过他也告诉过别的人,她不希望靠机器勉強维持自己的生命。特丽·夏沃1990年突发心脏病后大脑严重受损,进入专家们所说的“持续性植物人”状态?
Michael Schiavos attorney, George Felos told reporters on Saturday because of the seriousness of the case, courts will listen to the Schindlers pleas, but further legal actitm at this point is futile. “It is fair to say that if you look at the court system, the courts are saying not of coiu^e that they will not look at any relief filed, but I think any fair observer would say that the legal struggle is over here, and I would hope that the parents would acknowledge that" he said.
Terri Schiavo has been without food or water for more than a week now. On Saturday her parents and siblings visited her at her hospice. Bob Schindler, her father, told reporters afterwards that his daughter is clinging to life. “She is doing remaricably well under the circumstances. I was surprised she is putting up a tremendous battle to live. It is quite obvious she does not want to die and she is showing signs of over a week now of starvation and lack of hydration. But I can tell you she is fighting against hell to stay alive. We want the powers to be to know that it is not too late to save her. So anyone has the authority to come in and save Terri they can do it" he said.
Medical experts say Terri Schiavos life expectancy can now be measured in days but Midbael Schiavos attorney Ge<?ge Felos, who also visited his clients wife on Satuiday, says there is no sign that Mrs. Schiavo is near death at this pointAs appear to meher death does not appear Imminisnt. She is resting comfortably, her breathing did not appear to be shallow, and at least at this point, it does not appear that her death is imminent,M he said.
医学专家们表示,特丽·夏沃估计只能活几天了,但是麦克尔?夏沃的律师乔治·费洛斯说, 特丽·夏沃眼下还没有显示出任何接近死亡的迹象。费洛斯星期六也探望了他的委托人的妻子。 他说;“在我看来,她并不会马上死去。她休息得很舒适,她的呼吸听起来并不短浅,至少在眼下,她看上去并不会马上死去。”
Mr. Felos says that when Terri Schiavo dies her body will be cremated and her ashes handed over to her husband Michael, who will place them in his family plot in the US state of Pennsylvania, where both Michael and Terri Schiavo were raised.
From Terris casewe realize that not all of our families will stand by our sides till the end in our difficult times.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
supreme [sju:'pri:m]


adj. 最高的,至上的,极度的

appeal [ə'pi:l]


n. 恳求,上诉,吸引力
n. 诉诸裁决

acknowledge [ək'nɔlidʒ]


vt. 承认,公认,告知收到,表示感谢,注意到

plot [plɔt]


n. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地,
v. 绘

seriousness ['siəriəsnis]


n. 严肃,认真

guardian ['gɑ:diən]


n. 保护人,监护人

shallow ['ʃæləu]


adj. 浅的,薄的
n. 浅滩,浅处

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

attorney [ə'tə:ni]


n. (辩护)律师


关键字: 社会热点 家人




