Reporter:Since you joined P&G in 1977, how has the marketplace changed?
Lafley: First, the power has shifted from the manufacturer and the retailer to the consumer. Consumers are now the boss. The marketplace is pretty transparent. It is a great time to be a consumer. Second, the choice of retail experiences is greater. When I was growing up, there was a Wool worth's, a Grand Union and maybe a comer drugstore. Now consider all the choices we have in retail format and experience. In our industry, it is very Darwinian. The successful retailers are winning big and the weak retailers are going bankrupt. There is a concentration of retailing power. Third, innovation, including design, is increasingly important because technologies can be copied so easily. When I joined P&G, if we had a new technology, we could ride it for a decade and be pretty sure that our competitors would not be able to imitate it or come close to it. In today’s global marketplace, your competitor can get hold of or copy the technology quickly. What really differentiates you in the end is the design and the brandSo while we have improved Tide 50 or so times in 50 years, with new chemistry and technologies, what has built the promise and trust is the Tide brand and design equity.
雷富礼:首先,权力由制造商和零售商手里转移到了消费者手里,消费者现在是上司。市场变得很透明,所以现在做一名消费者是一件很好的事。第二,现在人们有更多的选择机会了。我小的时候,只有个伍尔瓦斯公司,有个大联邦,还有一个转角药店。现在再来想一想我们在零售形式和体验上居然有了这么多的选择。在我们的产业中,达尔文主义很明显,即成功的零售商做得越来越大,而失败的零售商却只能面临破产的困境,这就是零售力量集中的体现。第三,因为技术是很容易被拷贝的,所以创新,包括设计的创新,变得越来越重要。在我刚加入宝洁的时候,如 果我们发明了一项新技术, 那我们可以驾驭它10年,并且确信我们的竞争者不会模仿或赶上我们,因为他们没有这种能力。在现今全球化的市场环境中,你的竞争者完全有能力很快地掌握或者拷贝你的新技术。而最终区别你们的就是设计和品牌。所以在过去50年里,利用新的化学作用和新技术对汰渍进行了大约50次的改善之后,汰渍品牌及其设计权益已经建立起了品牌承诺和对此品牌的信任。

Reporter:Does P&G have any sort of environmental philosophy?
Lafley:We have a sustainability strategy which is posted on our website. We are leaders in that area and we definitely pay. a lot of attention to the recyclability of our packaging, for example.
雷富礼:我们制定了策略来维持环境的可持续发展,并把这张贴在我们的网站上。在那个领域中我们是领头人,因此我们肯定要很关注增加包装的可回收性。 记者:您公司内部的设计团队有多大?雷富礼:在内部我们有大约80位设计师,他们中的1/3到1/2都来自于设计代理处或者是一些大的设计项目中。我们现在也与很多设计代理商合作,比以前的还多,他们大多是世界上最好的设计代理商。
Reporter:How large is your in-house design staff?
Lalley: We have about 80 inside designers, about a third to a half of them we hired from outside design agencies and great design programs. We are also using more outside design agencies than we ever have before, most of the best ones in the world.
雷富礼:这正如我们的广告和公关部。尽管我们是世界上最大的品牌公司之一,但公司的广告并不是我们自己做的。代 理商会吸引很多世界级的人才帮他们做事,而这对于我们来说就更有难度了,因为那些世界级的人才往往都想跨产业、 跨公司、跨品牌地工作。在设计界也是一样。伟大的设计师也希望跨越不同的产业和品牌进行设计。所以设计公司中会吸引很多世界上最优秀的设计师。
Reporter:Why are you using a mix of inside and outside designers?
Lafley:Well, it is just like our advertising and public relations agencies. Although we are one of the world's largest branding companies, we will never do our own advertising. An agency is going to attract world-class creatives. It is harder for us to do that because world- class creatives want to work across industries, across companies and across brands. The same is true in the design world. Great designers like to design across different industries and across different brands, so design firms will attract the best designers in the world. Reporter: What is the role of the in-house design staff? Lafley: In-house, we are recruiting people who have design experience and skills and who can be good design facilitators for us to connect the right outside design firm with the right brand and get the right strategy in place.
Reporter:We heard that you have also established an outside design board at P&G.
Lafley:Yes, we meet with the board three times a year. They help to evaluate and critique where we are going with design in our established businesses and with upstream innovation.