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- A popular antioxidant supplement is Echinacea.
- 一个十分流行的抗氧化剂补充剂就是紫雏菊,
- This herbal supplement has been suggested as a natural way
- 人们认为这种植物补充剂是一种
- to shorten the duration of cold and flu symptoms or prevent one from catching a cold.
- 可以缩短感冒时间,缓解流感症状和预防感冒的天然物质
- Many research studies have been carried out to determine if Echinacea does affect colds.
- 为了确定紫雏菊是否对防治感冒有作用专业人士开展了很多研究,
- Unfortunately, the findings have been inconclusive.
- 不幸的是,这些研究中的发现都不能使人信服
- Several problems arise when attempting this type of research.
- 在这些研究的过程中会产生一些问题
- The active ingredient or ingredients in Echinacea are not known.
- 人们并不知道紫雏菊中的有效成分是什么,
- So if one study's uses a certain formulation and has a negative effect,
- 因此如果一个研究用的是一种模式,并检测出了负面效果
- it could be because the right ingredient was insufficient.
- 这可能是因为它检测的成分恰好是无效的,
- Secondly, colds are caused by viruses
- 第二,感冒可能是由病毒引起的
- and each virus may have a different reaction to Echinacea.
- 而每种病毒对于紫雏菊的反应是不同的
- And, third, symptoms of a cold vary by individuals
- 第三,感冒症状对每个人来说都是不同的
- so a positive effect in one person may not occur in another.
- 因此,紫雏菊对一个人有效,但并一定对另一个人也有效,
- So researchers are not sure if Echinacea has an effect on the symptoms of the cold and flu.
- 因此学者并不确定紫雏菊在感冒和流感中是否有效
- A caution about Echinacea is that
- 关于紫雏菊,要强调的一点是
- individuals with tuberculosis, leukemia, diabetes, connective tissue disorder,
- 患有结核病,白血病,糖尿病,结缔组织
- or liver disorders should not use this supplement.
- 疾病和肝病的人不应该用这种补充剂
- Additionally, Echinacea may reduce the effect of immunosuppressant drugs
- 除此之外,紫雏菊可能会降低免疫抑制类药物的作用,
- and it may cause allergic reactions in persons susceptible to hay fever.
- 并且可能会引起枯草热病人的过敏反应
- Red clover is an herbal supplement
- 红三叶草是一种补充剂,
- promoted to reduce hot flashes and other symptoms associated with menopause.
- 它能够缓解潮热和其他与更年期相关的症状,
- It contains plant forms of the hormone estrogen.
- 它含有天然雌激素
- These are also called isoflavones,
- 也称为异黄酮,
- which can generate similar responses in the body as estrogen.
- 它能在身体内产生与雌激素基本相同的作用
- There have been mixed results as to whether red clover supplements reduce menopause symptoms,
- 关于红四叶草是否可以缓解更年期症状,还没有定论
- but for some women it seems to be effective.
- 但是对一些妇女来说,这种方法似乎有效
- General side effects include nausea, headache, and a rash,
- 副作用一般包括恶心,头疼和红潮,
- but typically these are not significant.
- 但是这些状况通常都不严重
- Because red clover contains estrogens,
- 因为红四叶草含有雌激素,
- it should not be taken with other estrogen supplements,
- 一次不应与其他雌激素补充剂,
- hormone replacement therapy, or birth control pills.
- 荷尔蒙药物或者避孕药同时服用
来源:可可英语 //www.utensil-race.com/Article/201512/416892.shtml