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- Now in a sense, when we think about the effect of video games on the brain,
- 从某种意义上来说,我们可以认为电子游戏对于大脑的影响
- it's very similar to the effect of wine on the health.
- 和酒对于健康的影响很相似。
- There are some very poor uses of wine.
- 喝酒可能会造成很糟糕的结果,
- There are some very poor uses of video games.
- 玩电子游戏也是。
- But when consumed in reasonable doses, and at the right age,
- 但是如果在年龄合适的时候适当地喝一些,
- wine can be very good for health.
- 酒可以很有利于健康。
- There are actually specific molecules that have been identified in red wine as leading to greater life expectancy.
- 实际上,红酒已经被鉴定出含有能让人延年益寿的分子。
- So it's the same way, like those action video games have a number of ingredients that
- 同样的,动作电子游戏里也有能对大脑的可塑性,
- are actually really powerful for brain plasticity, learning, attention, vision, etc.
- 学习,注意力,视力等方方面面有非常有力影响的成分。
- and so we need and we're working on understanding what are those active ingredients
- 所以我们现在需要做也正在做的就是了解这些积极的成分,
- so that we can really then leverage them to deliver better games,
- 然后为了教育或病人的复原
- either for education or for rehabilitation of patients.
- 真正地利用它们开发出更好的游戏。
- Now because we are interested in having an impact for education or rehabilitation of patients,
- 既然我们关注的是对于教育和病人复原造成影响,
- we are actually not that interested in
- 我们并不太关心那些
- how those of you that choose to play video games for many hours on end perform.
- 连续玩很多个小时电子游戏的人的表现。
- I'm much more interested in taking any of you
- 我更感兴趣的是从你们中随便选一个人
- and showing that by forcing you to play an action game,
- 然后证明强迫你玩动作游戏
- I can actually change your vision for the better,
- 能提高你的视力,
- whether you want to play that action game or not, right?
- 不管你到底想不想玩动作游戏。
- That's the point of rehabilitation or education.
- 这也是医疗康复和教育的重点。
- Most of the kids don't go to school saying,
- 大多数孩子不会上学的时候说
- "Great, two hours of math!"
- "太棒了!能上两个小时的数学课!"
- So that's really the crux of the research, and to do that, we need to go one more step.
- 这也是做研究的难题,为了解决它,我们要往前再进一步。
- And one more step is to do training studies.
- 而这往前的一步就是训练研究。
- So let me illustrate that step with a task which is called mental rotation.
- 让我通过一个叫做“心智旋转”的任务告诉大家这一步到底是什么。
- Mental rotation is a task where I'm going to ask you,
- 心智旋转是一个要你们观察这个形状的任务,
- and again you're going to do the task, to look at this shape.
- 这一次也需要大家都参与进来,
- Study it, it's a target shape,
- 看着它,这是我们的目标形状。
- and I'm going to present to you four different shapes.
- 现在我给你们看四个不同的形状。
- One of these four different shapes is actually a rotated version of this shape.
- 这四个中的一个是由这个形状旋转得到的。
- I want you to tell me which one:
- 我希望你们能告诉我是哪一个。
- the first one, second one, third one or fourth one?
- 第一个,第二个,第三个还是第四个?
- Okay, I'll help you. Fourth one.
- 好吧,这次我先公布答案,是第四个。
- One more. Get those brains working. Come on.
- 再来一次。让你们的脑子动起来。
- That's our target shape.
- 这个是我们的目标形状。
- Third. Good! This is hard, right?
- 第三个。很好!这有点难是吗?
- Like, the reason that I asked you to do that is because you really feel your brain cringing, right?
- 我让大家做这个小游戏,就是因为它能让你们感到头脑在打结。
- It doesn't really feel like playing mindless action video games.
- 这和玩不需要动脑子的动作电子游戏感觉不太一样。
- Well, what we do in these training studies is, people come to the lab,
- 我们在训练研究中做的就是让来实验室的人
- they do tasks like this one,
- 完成和这个任务类似的任务,
- we then force them to play 10 hours of action games.
- 然后我们强迫他们玩十个小时的动作游戏。
- They don't play 10 hours of action games in a row.
- 不是连续玩十个小时而是分散地玩,
- They do distributed practice, so little shots of 40 minutes several days over a period of two weeks.
- 比如说在两周内的几天里每天花上40分钟。
- Then, once they are done with the training,
- 然后等他们完成了训练,
- they come back a few days later and they are tested again on a similar type of mental rotation task.
- 几天后再到实验室,并被测试相似类型的心智旋转任务的完成情况。
快节奏的电子游戏如何影响大脑? 和研究认知的达芙妮 芭菲莉亚一起走进实验室,听听关于电子游戏,甚至是动作射击游戏的惊人发现。它们可以帮助我们学习,集中注意力,以及不可思议地,帮助我们多任务处理。
来源:可可英语 //www.utensil-race.com/Article/201512/416864.shtml