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  • You all know about multitasking.
  • 你们都知道"多任务处理"(multitasking)。
  • You all have been faulty of multitasking when you're driving and you pick up your cellphone.
  • 一边开车一边拿起手机的多任务处理不是明智之举。
  • Bad idea. Very bad idea.
  • 非常糟糕。
  • Why? Because as your attention shifts to your cell phone,
  • 为什么?因为你的注意力实际上转移到了你的手机上,
  • you are actually losing the capacity to react swiftly to the car braking in front of you
  • 于是不能对前面的车况做出敏捷的反应。
  • and so you're much more likely to get engaged into a car accident.
  • 所以你出车祸的可能性大大增加了。
  • Now, we can measure that kind of skills in the lab.
  • 现在我们可以在实验室中测量这种能力。
  • We obviously don't ask people to drive around and see how many car accidents they have.
  • 我们当然不会让人开着车到处跑
  • That would be a little costly proposition.
  • 然后看看会出几场车祸。这个方案代价有点高。
  • But we design tasks on the computer where we can measure,
  • 但是我们可以通过特殊设计的电脑程序
  • to millisecond accuracy, how good they are at switching from one task to another.
  • 精确到以毫秒为单位测量,考察人们能多快地在不同任务间切换。
  • When we do that, we actually find that people
  • 当我们做这样的实验的时候,我们发现
  • that play a lot of action games are really, really good.
  • 玩很多动作电子游戏的人完成得真的非常非常好。
  • They switch really fast, very swiftly. They pay a very small cost.
  • 他们在任务间的切换非常快速敏捷。他们所付出的代价很小。
  • Now I'd like you to remember that result,
  • 现在,我希望大家记住这个结论,
  • and put it in the context of another group of technology users,
  • 把它带入到另外一群科技使用者的背景下。
  • a group which is actually much revered by society, which are people that engage in multimedia-tasking.
  • 这些可以“多媒体任务处理”的人相当受社会推崇。
  • What is multimedia-tasking?
  • 什么叫“多媒体任务处理”?
  • It's the fact that most of us, most of our children,
  • 我们中的很多人,还有很多孩子
  • are engaged with listening to music at the same time as they're doing search on the web
  • 都会一边听着音乐一边上网搜索信息
  • at the same time as they're chatting on Facebook with their friends.
  • 一边和朋友在脸谱网上聊天。
  • That's a multimedia-tasker.
  • 这就是可以“多媒体任务处理”的人。
  • There was a first study done by colleagues at Stanford
  • 有一个试验由斯坦福的研究人员们先做,
  • and that we replicated that showed that
  • 我们又进行了重复试验过的研究表明
  • those people that identify as being high multimedia-taskers are absolutely abysmal at multitasking.
  • 被认为是高效的“多媒体任务处理者”多任务处理的能力非常糟糕。
  • When we measure them in the lab, they're really bad.
  • 他们在实验室里被测量的表现真的很差。
  • Right? So these kinds of results really makes two main points.
  • 这样的结果主要说明了两个问题。
  • The first one is that not all media are created equal.
  • 第一,不是所有的媒体都生来平等。
  • You can't compare the effect of multimedia-tasking and the effect of playing action games.
  • 不能比较多媒体处理对人的影响和玩动作电子游戏对人的影响进行比较。
  • They have totally different effects on different aspects of cognition, perception and attention.
  • 他们对于认知,知觉和注意力的影响都是完全不同的。
  • Even within video games,
  • 就算是在电子游戏之中,
  • I'm telling you right now about these action-packed video games.
  • 我指的是动作电子游戏中,
  • Different video games have a different effect on your brains.
  • 不同的游戏对你的大脑的影响也是不同的。
  • So we actually need to step into the lab and really measure what is the effect of each video game.
  • 所以我们需要在实验室中测量每个游戏的影响分别是什么。
  • The other lesson is that general wisdom carries no weight.
  • 第二,所谓的常识很多时候是不靠谱的。
  • I showed that to you already, like we looked at the fact that
  • 像我刚才讲到的
  • despite a lot of screen time, those action gamers have a lot of very good vision, etc.
  • 虽然动作电子游戏的玩家长时间看屏幕,但他们的视力依然很好就是例子之一。
  • Here, what was really striking is that these undergraduates
  • 现在最让人担忧的是那些
  • that actually report engaging in a lot of high multimedia-tasking are convinced they aced the test.
  • 常常多媒体任务处理的大学生们深信他们表现得很好。
  • So you show them their data, you show them they are bad
  • 你把他们的数据给他们看,告诉他们其实他们表现得不怎么样,
  • and they're like, "Not possible."
  • 但是他们觉得那根本不可能。
  • You know, they have this sort of gut feeling that, really,
  • 他们却觉得实际上
  • they are doing really, really good.
  • 自己做得非常非常好。
  • That's another argument for why we need to step into the lab
  • 这也是为什么我们需要在实验室里
  • and really measure the impact of technology on the brain.
  • 真正地去测量科技对于大脑的影响。



快节奏的电子游戏如何影响大脑? 和研究认知的达芙妮 芭菲莉亚一起走进实验室,听听关于电子游戏,甚至是动作射击游戏的惊人发现。它们可以帮助我们学习,集中注意力,以及不可思议地,帮助我们多任务处理。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

swiftly ['swiftli]


adv. 迅速地,敏捷地

striking ['straikiŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,显著的
n. 打击

identify [ai'dentifai]


vt. 识别,认明,鉴定
vi. 认同,感同身

cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

accuracy ['ækjurəsi]


n. 准确(性), 精确度

switch [switʃ]


n. 开关,转换,鞭子
v. 转换,改变,交换





