Fear and loss turn to rage.The mob wants someone to blame.
恐惧与悲伤激荡成愤怒 躁怒的人们急于找到"罪魁祸首"
All over Europe, the hunt is on for a scapegoat.
欧洲各地 人们到处抓捕替罪羔羊
1349, the plague rages across Europe.
1349年 黑死病肆虐欧洲各地
人类在此时变得脆弱不堪 毫无理性可言
Searching for someone to blame...Strasbourg, Germany.
The plague hasn't hit here. Yet.
But rumors spread faster than the disease itself
Of a diabolical plot.They say the jews are poisoning the drinking water.
甚至不乏妖言惑众 流言四起 据传是犹太人向水里投毒
This was the Middle Ages,this was before the scientific revolution and the scientific method.
瘟疫肆虐的中世纪 科学革命尚未来临 科学方法尚未被推广
You had a world that was rife with superstition,anger, confusion,
那个年代的世界 人民崇尚迷信 快意恩仇 蒙昧不化
and unfortunately that often bubbled off into prejudice.
不幸的是 以上种种往往会被激化成偏见
Ever since the sixth century B.C.
When their homeland was conquered,
Jewish people have created thriving communities Around the planet.
犹太人在世界各地均已兴建起 繁荣昌盛的族人聚居区
Today, 26 countries have Jewish populations over 10,000.
如今 已有一万多名犹太人分布在26个国家