Agnolo tries anything, everything.
阿格诺罗寻遍良方 想尽办法
"Vomit regularly, especially at the first sign of any illness."
"定期催吐 特别是在发病早期"
"Drink a glass of your own urine, twice a day."
"服用自己的尿液 一天两次 每次一杯"
"Apply an ointment to the buboe"
"Made of honey, egg yolks and scorpion oil,"
膏剂混用蜂蜜 蛋黄与蝎油熬制而成"
"To draw out the poison.""Avoid sex and baths."
"多排毒" "尽量避免房事 避免沐浴"
Finally the plague doctor,His hood filled with herbs for protection.
最后黑死病医生 在自己的头巾上缀满草药以预防传染
His treatment:Drain the disease out of the victim.
他的疗法如下: 泄血畅体 外输病变
Physicians would try any desperate measure,
bloodletting was tried, leeches were used,but none seemed to work.
尝试过放血 水蛭吸血等方法 但没有一种方法得见起效
The smartest thing a doctor could do was stay away from the patients,
适时 医生的最明智之举 即是远离病患
because inadvertently we were taking the bacteria from one patient to the next.
因为医生自身在无意之间 就可能成为病菌传播的媒介
All the while, the plague bacteria are mutating,
Finding new ways to reproduce and spread.
They no longer need to be carried by fleas.They are airborne.
病菌不再需要跳蚤作为传染媒介 传播方式简化为空气传播