Their horses get the Mongols to the city gates But no further.
蒙古人骑马到达中都城门 但没法更进一步了
To take the city, they use Chinese engineers.
为攻下城池 他们利用汉族的工程师
And force them to build battering rams.
To defend themselves,Chung Tu's soldiers must kill their own people.
只为保全自己 中都的士兵必须杀死自己国度的人
If the gate breaks, the city falls.The Mongols overrun Chung Tu,
如果城门被破 整座城池就会沦陷 蒙古人在中都烧杀抢掠
Massacre over a hundred thousand people,Then torch the city.
屠杀了超过十万的人口 然后放火烧城
The Mongols were an unbelievably effective military force.
If they had a target they wanted to take,no one stood in their way.
如果他们已有目标 便无人可挡
An eye-witness reports:"The earth was greasy with human fat."
一名亲历者回忆道: "整个地球粘满了人体的脂肪"(尸殍遍野)
In his lifetime, Genghis Khan is said to be responsible
For the death of up to 40 million people,As many as Adolf Hitler.
背负着四千万条血债 和阿道夫·希特勒一般多