China is the great prize.
If you can conquer China,you conquer the land of infinite supplies...of grain, of silk, of tea.
如果你能征服中国 就征服了无尽资源之宝地 谷物 丝绸 茶叶触手可得
Approaching Chung Tu, Genghis Khan issues an ultimatum...
接近中都 成吉思汗发出了最后通牒
Surrender or die.Mongol cruelty is legend.
要么投降 要么死亡 蒙古人的残暴广为流传
Prisoners decapitated,Towers of human skulls,Children slaughtered.
战俘被斩首 尸骨堆积成山 戕杀孩童
I imagine for someone sitting in a city looking out over the wall,
我想象着有人在城里 从围墙上向外看
and seeing the massive Mongol horde is coming in your direction,
看到浩瀚雄壮的蒙古部落 朝你这边而来
you have to immediately question yourself as to why I am still in this city.
你肯定会立马问自己 为什么我还在这座城里
I need to leave or I am dead.Genghis Khan rapes so many women
我得离开这 不然我就会死 成吉思汗强奸的妇女不计其数
That as many as 1 in 200 people alive today carry his genes.
以至于如今每两百人中 就有一人拥有他的基因
"The greatest happiness is to gather into your bosom""Your enemy's wives and daughters."
最大的乐趣就是把敌人的妻子女儿 揽入自己的怀中"
60,000 women, it is said, prefer suicide To being raped by the mongols.
据说 六万名妇女宁愿选择自杀 而不愿被蒙古人所奸淫