Half a million people live in Chung Tu.
Now a battle for the future of mankind Between the city dweller and the nomad.
汉族居民和游牧民族间 为人类未来而抗争的战役一触即发
Genghis Khan, son of a tribal chief.
他的父亲被人杀害 他被流放他乡
If you survive a childhood like Genghis Khan
you'll have a chip on your shoulder.
你也会恼火 委屈
You'll want to prove to everybody they were wrong.
You're gonna want to prove that you know what you're doing.
You're gonna want to prove that you are the baddest guy on the block.
你想证明 你是最邪恶的家伙
He escapes his captors,Fights his way to the top,
他从捉捕者手中逃脱 在搏斗中攀上权利的顶峰
Unites the Mongols...and begins a campaign of conquest That will change the world.
联合蒙古人 开始了一场 即将改变世界的征战
The key to his success:The horse.
他成功的关键 就是马