So I could apply all of this acoustic folk picking and slide guitar and etc etc
我能够运用原声民谣拨弦 滑音吉他技巧等等
But it was a very, very closed shop in those days
不过当时 这些是非常非常封闭的
Actually, probably still, maybe
But now, obviously, as a specialist musician, you would be contracted in
不过现在 作为专业音乐人 你显然也能获得合同
But, in those days
when I had to sort of go in the door and have that discipline to play
我需要到现场 遵循各种演奏原则
because, boy, if you made mistakes, you wouldn't be seen again
你如果犯错 以后别人就不会再要你
I was in this whole sort of studio role for about two and a half years
playing all manner of things from
TV jingles to soundtracks and film music
Goldfinger, to The Kinks
to, you know, it was really a wonderful sort of, colourful role that I was playing
我在这些演奏中都扮演了很美妙 很多彩的角色
Until, one day the music charts were passed out and there were the notes
直到有一天 音乐图被发出 然后还有音符
and it was a gentle hint, I think
that I had to learn to read music in a very, very serious way
Because there were serious competitors there
and everybody was fluent with music reading
So I had to come on very, very quickly in leaps and bounds
It was, yeah, it was quite a pressurised moment
没错 当时我的压力非常大
but I had come through it and then I was reading like all you guys do
但我经受住了挑战 能和你们所有人一样读音乐了
So I just wanted to give you that little bit of empathy here and understanding about
having to, you know, reading music is a major part of it
and of course once you can read, then you can write it down
能读之后 你就自然能够将其写出来
and read others' work, that's great
读他人的作品 这会非常棒
Thank you so much for inviting me here
it really is an honour and a privilege
and I thank you all very much
Good luck in the future. Thank you
祝大家未来好运 谢谢