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Listen to this 2 英语初级听力(MP3+字幕) 第5课(2)

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Task 2 At the travel agency
Miss Bush is talking to a travel agent in London.
Good morning, can I help you?
Hello, er, my name is Miss Bush and I'm intending to go to a conference in Sydney for 3 weeks.
I see. er, do you want the excursion fare or the full return fare.
Now, can I get a stopover on an excursion fare?
Yes, you're allowed only one stopover on the excursion fare.
Oh, I see, only one.
Yes, but of course, if you pay the full return fare, then you can have unlimited stopovers.
Oh that's much better.
Yes, you see, the thing is that I've got two week's holiday after the conference and I've never been out that way before at all to Australia or the Far East.
And I wanted to go, you know, shopping or (Yes) seeing HongKong or India or somewhere round there.
(Uhum) Um, where exactly can I go?
Well, lots of places.
There's Singapore or Teheran, Kuwait, Athens, you've really got quite a lot of choices you know.
Mm, well, it sounds marvellous.
Um, how much would that cost, how much is the full fare?
The full fare, well, that's really quite a lot.
It's 1204 pounds.
Yes, a thousand two hundred and four.
Well, it's once in a lifetime, you know, I've never been. Mm.
The thing is, actually that, um, I'm absolutely terrified of flying.
(Oh, dear) I've never done it before.
(Uhum) And er, I'm hoping that I can persuade my two friends, who are also going to the conference, to stop over with me on the way back.
Yes, that would be a good idea, yes. Mm.
Yes, by the way, one of them is in Cairo at the moment, would it be possible for me to stop over there on my way to Sydney?
Yes, of course, there are plenty of flights to Cairo and, and then plenty more onwards from Cairo to Sydney.
And then you can stay, there, in Cairo, for as long as you like.
Oh, that's great.
Now, the thing is, I think I'd better go and persuade Mr Adams that,
you know, he'd like to stop with me in Cario...(I see)...go and discuss it with him and then come back to you in a day or two, if that's all right.
Certainly, of course, madam.
Oh, thank you very much.
OK, goodbye.
Thank you, goodbye.
重点单词   查看全部解释    
unlimited [ʌn'limitid]


adj. 无限的,不受控制的,无条件的

persuade [pə'sweid]


vt. 说服,劝说

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

fare [fɛə]


n. 路费,食物
vi. 过活,进展,进食





