Leading the resistance, a mystical sect of priests:The Druids.
反抗势力的首要力量 是一群神秘的牧师:德鲁伊人
They worship the sun, the moon and the forests.
他们敬仰太阳 月亮和丛林
Druid means 'man of oak'.
Roman writers regard them as barbarians,
And claim they practice human sacrifice:
"The altars were heaped with hideous offerings,"
"And every tree was sprinkled with human gore."
" 每棵树上都沾满血污 "
Rome has its eyes on Britain's natural riches:Its precious metals.
罗马觊觎英国丰富的自然资源 那些珍贵的金属资源
Deep underground, lead, vital for aqueducts.
这片土地的深处储藏着铅 它是制造水渠的必备原料
Iron, copper and tin, for tools and weapons.
而铁 铜和锡则可用来铸造武器
And silver, to bankroll Roman armies.
至于银 则可用来资助罗马军队
Rome's economic model was built on expanding the empire.
罗马经济的发展是建立在 其战略扩张的基础上的
To do that, you need to have a perpetual war machine that's capable of conquest after conquest.
而扩张的前提是拥有一支经久不衰的 能够不断战斗的强大军队
Up to 50% of Rome's spending goes on the military,
More than double the proportion the us government spends today.
Mankind's first full-time, professional army.