And so we've got a common guy on the street
who's now involved in this pivotal moment in history.
It can take three days to die on a cross.Blood-loss, shock,Dehydration, suffocation.
被钉在十字架上要三天才会死 失血 休克 脱水 窒息死亡
Crucifixions are so common,The Romans barely register Jesus' death.
十字架上的苦刑是如此普遍 以至于罗马人几乎没有记录耶稣的死亡
This non-event,this thing that nobody noticed except his friends and family,
除了耶稣的朋友和家人 几乎没人注意到这件普通的小事
turned out to have the power to transform the entire Roman Empire and the course of human history
然而这件事却有力量改变整个罗马帝国 在过去的两千年
more profoundly than any other single event over the past 2,000 years.
比其他任何事件都更深刻地改变了 人类历史的进程
The followers of Jesus will retell his story
And use the power of the empire to spread his message.
1400 miles from Jerusalem,The imperial capital, Rome.
耶路撒冷1400英里外 是帝国的首都 罗马
The largest city on earth.Population: one million.
这是世界上最大的城市 人口为一百万
It's two and half times more densely populated Than modern Manhattan.
罗马的人口密度 是如今曼哈顿人口密度的2.5倍
But 18 years after the crucifixion,
A series of droughts creates a food shortage.
Rome needs 200,000 tons of grain each year,
Or its people will starve.