As in the last war, the soldiers dig in and try to make the best of things.
The French soldier, Jastone Schiller, writes to his wife.
"It's thirty degrees below zero. The bread is frozen."
"I'm one of the lucky ones. They gave us some straw and with that we can sleep better."
The winter of 1939 and 1940 is indeed one of the coldest to the century.
To make the bad situation worse, all the winters of this war will be brutally cold.

The Commanding Chief, General Gamelin, is expecting the Germans to attack through Belgium, and move towards Paris across this open plain like in 1914.
Gamelin plans to make it stand against Germans on Belgium soil.
In France, colonel de Gaulle a tank officer who's beginning to make a name for himself criticise this strategy.
He calls it the-maginal-Line mentality which consists in waiting for the other side to make a move.
In his book 'Towards a Professional Army', he argues in favour of taking the offensive, making massive use of tanks.