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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第2册第36期:page92-page101

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Page: 92

Mary has a potato in her hand.

She is taking its skin off with a knife.

We get potatoes from the roots of a plant.

Here they are in the earth.

We get them up with a fork.

This is a plant.

This is its flower.

These are its leaves.

These are its fruit.

This is a branch.

This is its stem.

These are its roots.

These are the roots of other plants.

Page: 93

Mary is making the soup.

This is the pot.

This is the cover of the pot.

She will make the soup in this cup.

She put the potatoes in the pot.

The water in the pot is boiling.

This is steam.

This is a flame.

The pot is over the flame.

The flame is under the pot.

Page: 94

This water is boiling.

It is giving off steam.

The heat of the flame is making it give off steam.

Ice is solid.

This is ice.

Water is a liquid.

This is water.

This is a tray.

It is a tray of ice.

Ice is cold.

The room is warm.

The heat of the flame is making the room warm.

The things in the room are warm.

Ice is not warm.

It is cold.

Page: 95

This is a bird.

It is on the tree.

The other birds are not on the tree.

They are in the air.

This is a plane.

It is in the air.

It is an airplane.

It is going through the air.

These are airplanes.

We take in air through our mouths and through our noses.

The air comes in.

Then it goes out.

That is a breath.

The air is coming out.

It is warm.

When it comes out it is warm.

Put your hand here.

Your breath is warm.

Page: 96

The room is warm.

The water in the pot is very warm.

It is boiling.

The air over the flame is very warm.

It goes up.

The air under the flame is not very warm.

It goes up to the flame.

This is the icebox.

It has ice in it.

The air in the icebox is cold.

This is milk.

These are eggs.

This is the icebox.

Mary keeps the milk in the icebox.

She keeps it in the cold air.

The air in the icebox is cold.

The cold air keeps the milk cold.

Page: 97

This is a clock.

A clock is an instrument for measuring time.

This is a instrument for measuring heat.

very warm



very cold.

This is a measure.

It is a yard measure.

There are three feet in a yard.

There are twelve inches in a foot.

This is Mary's foot.

These are her feet.

This is John's foot.

It is ten inches long.

Page: 98

The walls and floor of the icebox are thick.

This is a thin line.

This is a thick line.

The thick walls keep the heat of the room out of the icebox.

They keep the heat from the milk.

The cold air in the icebox keeps the milk good.

John is having a drink.

He is having a drink of milk from a glass.

The milk is good.

John is happy.

This milk is not good.

It is bad.

John is not happy.

Page: 99

This is meat.

Mary keeps the meat in the icebox.

This is bread.

Mary does not keep the bread in the icebox.

She keeps it in a bread-box.

This is cheese.

We make cheese from milk.

We get milk from cows.

This is butter.

We make butter from milk.

Mary keeps the butter with the milk in the icebox.

She keeps the cheese there.

Page: 100

These are apples.

These are oranges.

Apples and oranges are fruit.

Does Mary keep the fruit in the icebox?

What is the time?

The time is five.

It is five.

Mary will make the soup.

What is the time?

It's five-thirty.

Mary is making the soup.

The potatoes are in the pot.

The water in the pot is boiling.

It is five-forty.

Mary has a fork in her hand.

She is putting the fork into the potatoes.

Page: 101

The potatoes are hard.

The fork does not go into them.

It is five-fifty.

Mary is putting the fork in again.

She is doing it again.

The potatoes are soft.

The fork goes into them.

She is taking them out of the pot and putting them on a plate.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
instrument ['instrumənt]


n. 乐器,工具,仪器,器械

measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量

flame [fleim]


n. 火焰,热情
v. 燃烧,面红,爆发

liquid ['likwid]


adj. 液体的,液态的
n. 液体

branch [brɑ:ntʃ]


n. 分支,树枝,分店,分部
v. 分支,分岔

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

stem [stem]


n. 茎,干,柄,船首
vi. 起源于





