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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第2册第32期:page66-page71

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Page: 66

Ottawa,Washington,Mexico City,New York,and Los Angeles are towns.

This is a town.

The government of Canada is in Ottawa.

The government of the United States is in Washington.

The government of Mexico is in Mexico City.

How far is Ottawa from Mexico City?

The distance from Ottawa to Mexico City is about twenty-three hundred miles.

How far is New York from Los Angeles?

The distance between New York and Los Angeles is about twenty-five hundred miles.

How far is the mouth of the Mackenzie River from the mouth of the Mississippi?

The mouth of a river is the place where it goes into the sea.

Page: 67

This is the earth.

We are seeing it from the north.

There is more land than water on this side of the earth.

This is the earth.

We are seeing it from the south.

There is more water than land on this side.

This is the moon.

The moon goes round the earth in a month.

Do we ever see the other side of the moon?


We see the same side of the moon at all times.


Page: 68

We see the same side at all times because the moon is turning round.

The moon

The earth

It is going round the earth and it is turning round itself.

It keeps the same side to the earth.

We see the same side of the moon at all times.

Sometimes we see it like this.

One hal of the moon is dark.

The other half is bright.

This is a half moon.

Sometimes we see the moon like this.

This part of the moon is dark.

This part of it is bright.

This is a quarter moon.

Page: 69

Sometimes we see it like this.

This is a new moon.

This is a new hat.

This is an old hat.

And sometimes we see it like this.

This is a full moon.

This glass is full.

This glass is not full.

These are the changes of the moon.

Full,three-quarters, half,a quarter,new.

But at all times we see the same side of the moon.


What is that?

Here is a change in the direction of this line.

And here is another change.

Page: 70

Here are two trains.

The man was in this train.

He is going to the other train.

He is making a change.

He is changing trains.

The potatoes were hard.

After a time they were soft.

There was a change in the potatoes.

This water was cold.

Now it is boiling.

That is a change.

There was a change in the water.

In the summer the leaves are on the trees.

In the fall the leaves come down off the trees.

That is a change.

Page: 71

I took a newspaper and gave a dollar ($1) to the man.

He took the dollar and he gave a quarter (dollar) and ten cents and five cents.

This is the money which he gave to me with the paper.

The price of the paper was sixty cents.

I got the paper and forty cents from him.

That money was my change.

I had a dollar.

After I got the paper I had the paper and forty cents.

I did not have the dollar.

That was a change.




