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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第2册第31期:page60-page64

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Page: 60

This baby is one year old.

This boy is ten years old.

This man is thirty years old.

This old man is ninety years old.

That is a stick in his hand.

The baby is very young.

How old is he?

He is one year old.

The old man is very old.

How old is he?

He is ninety years old.

This box is four inches long and three inches wide and two inches high.

How long is it?

It is four inches long.

This room is twenty feet long and sixteen feet wide and twelve feet high.

How high is the room?

It is twelve feet high.

Page: 61

This is a short coat.

This is a longer coat.

This is the longest coat of the three.

This is a thin book.

This is a thicker book

This is the thickest book of the three.

This is a narrow street.

This is a wider street.

This is the widest street of the three.

Which is the narrowest street of the three.

This is a dirty face.

This is a cleaner face.

This is the cleanest face of the three.

Which is the dirtiest face?

Page: 62

Glass is harder than wood.

Wood is harder than bread.

Bread is harder than butter.

Which is the softest of these?

Which is the hardest?

This man is older than this boy.

The boy is older than this baby.

Which of them is the oldest?

The baby is the youngest.

He is very young.

This man is stronger than this boy.

The boy is not as strong as the man.

He is not as old as the man.

The baby is not as old as the boy or as strong as the boy.

This line is as long as this line.

The two lines are equal.

This line is not as long as this line.

They are not equal.

Page: 63

A train may go one hundred miles in an hour.

An airplane may go six hundred miles in an hour.

Trains and airplanes are different sorts of transport.

What are some other sorts of transport?

Ships are another sort of transport.

How far may a quick ship go in an hour.

A quick ship may go thirty miles in an hour.

Automobiles and buses are other sorts of transport.

Airplanes,trains,ships, automobiles,buses and horses and carriages take us from one place to another.

Page: 64

We may go on our feet from one place to another.

When we go our feet, we are walking.

Or we may go in a train or in a ship or in an automobile or in an airplane or on a horse or in a bus.

Some places are near to one another.

Some places are far from one another.

Places in Washington are near to one another.

The distance from one place to another is not far.

But some places in the United States are far from one another.

Page: 65

This is a map of North America.

Mackenzie River

Los Angeles

Mississippi River

Mexico City


New York


These are mountains.

These are railroads.

These are roads.

These are rivers.

Men and Women go up mountains.

Mountains are high.

Trains go on railroads.

A road

A river

An island

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

transport [træns'pɔ:t]


n. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒





