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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第2册第30期:page55-page59

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Page: 55

The earth goes round in twenty-four hours.

There are twenty-four hours in every day.

The sun comes up and goes down everyday because the earth is turning round.

The earth goes round the sun in a year.

There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year.

Three hundred and sixty-five days make a year.

There are seven days in a week.

Seven days make a week.

Here are the names of the days of the week:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Monday is before Tuesday.

Tuesday is after Monday.

There are thirty-one or thirty or twenty-eight days in a month

Here are the names of the months:













January is before February

February is after January

Page: 56

These are the winder months:December,January,February.

These are the summer months:June,July,August.

These are the spring months:March,april,May.

These are the fall months:September,October,November.

In the North,the earth is cold in the winter.

The wind is cold.

Snow comes down from the sky.

There are no leaves on the trees.

There is ice over the water.

The days are short.

In the north,the earth and the air are warm in the summer.

There are leaves on the trees.

The days are long.

There is no ice or snow.

In the spring,the leaves come out on the trees.

Plants come up out of the earth, and the flowers come out on the plants.

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In the fall,the leaves come down from the branches of the trees.

Fall is the time of the fall of the leaves.

They are coming down.

They are falling.

In the spring,the days get longer.

Every day is longer than the day before it.

In the spring today is longer than yesterday.

In the fall the days get shorter..

Every day is shorter than the day before it.

In the fall tomorrow will be shorter than today.

This line is longer than this line.

The time between three and four is shorter than the time between three and five.

One hour is a shorter time than two hours.

Fifteen minutes make a quarter of an hour.

Thirty minutes make half an hour.

Forty-five minutes make three-quarters of an hour.

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Which is shorter-a quarter of an hour or half an hour?

Which is shorter-the minute hand or the hour hand of a clock?

This is an inch.

The distance from A to B is one inch.

Half an inch is a shorter distance than an inch.

A quarter of an inch

Three quarters of an inch.

Twelve inches make a foot.

This is a foot.

How long is it?

It is ten inches long.

Three feet make a yard.

This is a yard measure.

There are thirty-six inches in a yard.

These are feet.

They are not twelve inches long.

Page: 59

Seventeen hundred and sixty yards make a mile.

In half a mile there are eighty hundred and eighty yards.

Miles,yards,feet,and inches are measures of distance.

What are this man and this girl doing?

They are taking a walk.

In one hour he will go two miles and she will go four miles.

He is slow.

She is quick.

She is quicker than he is.

He si slower than she is.

This is a train.

Trains are quicker than horses or men.

This is a airplane.

Airplanes are quicker than trains or horses or men.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟






