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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第2册第27期:page30-page40

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Page: 30

This boy's name is Tom.

This girl's name is Jane.

Tom is making something.

Jane is saying, "What are you making,Tom?"

Page: 31

Tom is saying,"I am making a house."

This is a box.

This is one side of the box.

This is the opposite side of the box.

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This is the front of the box.

And this is the back of the box.

This is the floor of the box.

And this is the cover of the box.

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Now this side will be one wall of the house.

I will put a window in here.

This will be the opposite wall of the house.

I will put another window in this opposite wall.

The front of the box will be the front of the house.

I will put a step under the door.

This is a step.

These are steps.

Three steps.

Page: 34

Jane said,

A house has a roof.

Will you put a roof on the house?

How will you make the roof?

I will make the roof from the cover of the box.

No. There is not enough wood in the cover.

How long is the cover?

How wide is the cover?

I am measuring it.

The cover is not long enough.

It is not wide enough.

The roof is like this.

Page: 35

Here is a wider bit of wood.

It is wider and it is longer.

I will make the roof from this other bit of wood.

I will make a cut in this wood.

I will make a cut at this angle.

This is an angle.

This is an angle.

This is a right angle.

This is another right angle.

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What are you doing,Tom?

I am measuring the wood.

It is good wood.

This is a measure.

We get wood from trees.

These are trees.

Some wood is hard.

Some wood is soft.

This is a tree.

These are its roots.

We get hard wood from some trees.

They give hard wood to us.

Other trees give soft wood to us.

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Now I am making a cut at this angle in this bit of wood.

The blade is going through the wood.

This is my knife.

This is the blade of my knife.

I am making a line on the wood.

I am making a line with a pencil.

This is the pencil.

This is the line.

Page: 38

Keep on the line when you are cutting.

Don't go off it.

Oh! You are going off the line!

The cut is not on the line.

That is bad!

The cut is off the line.

You did that!

You give a push to the table.

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No, I did not!

Your knife went off the line.

Yes, It went off the line.

Do it again!

It's not very bad.

Here is the line.

And here is the cut.

a straight line

a bent line

Tom is making another attempt.

That is better.

The cut is straight.

The blade of the knife went straight.


Page: 40

Now I have these two bits of wood.

I will put them together like this.

There is the roof of the house.

Now I will put the two parts of roof together with nails.

These are nails.

I will make a hole through this part of the roof into the other part of the roof.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量

blade [bleid]


n. 刀锋,刀口

bent [bent]


bend的过去式和过去分词 adj. 下定决心的,弯曲的





