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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第2册第23期:page12-page19

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Page: 12

Mr.Smith will go to the station in a taxi.

This is a taxi.

Mr.Smith is getting into it.

He has his bag with him.

This is the station.

The taxi is in front of the station.

The time is 8:00.

The train will go at 8:30.

Mr.Smith is getting out of the taxi.

Now he is going into the station.

Page: 13

This is the waiting room in the station.

Those men and women on the seats in the waiting room are waiting.

They are waiting for their trains.

Here is the train.

This is the engine of a train.

This is the bell on the engine.

These are rails.

The train goes on these rails.

It is a railroad train.

Here is the ticket office in the station.

Mr.Smith got his ticket here.

Page: 14

Here is his ticket.

He gave $841.80 for his ticket.

These are tickets.

How much was his ticket for the journey to Los Angeles?

It was eighty hundred and forty-one dollars and eighty cents.

How long is the journey?

Four days.

Which days will he be on the train?

He will be on the train Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday.

The other days of the week are Thursday,Friday,Saturday.

How much money did he take with him for his journey?

He took five hundred and nineteen dollars.

Page: 15

Mr.Smith has friends in California.

Here are his friends.

He and his friends are shaking hands.

His friends were waiting him at the station.

They say,"Did you have a good journey?"

He says,"Yes,But it was a long journey."

His friends says,"Let me have your bag,please."

He will go with his friends to their house.

Page: 16

This is a letter: a.

These are letters:a,b,c.

This is a word: man.

Three letters make the word man.

The man is writing a letter.

He is writing on a paper with a pen.

This is the letter.

It is in Mr.Roe's writing.

Mr.Roe will send the letter to Mr.doe.

Here is the letter ready for the post.

Here is the stamp.

Mr.Doe's name and street and town are on the letter. short for Massachusetts.

Middlefield is in Massachusetts.

This is the back of the letter.

Mr.Roe's name,and the town where he is living are on the back of the letter.

Me is short for Maine.

Bar harbor is in Maine.

Massachusetts and Maine are two states of the United States of the America.

Page: 17

Mr.Smith is writing a card to Mrs.Smith.

He is in San Francisco.

On one side of the card is a picture of the harbor.

Here is the picture.

This is a picture postcard.

Here is the other side of the card.

Mr.Smith is putting Mrs.Smith's name on it.

He will put her street under the name.

He will put her town under the street.

Then he will put the state where her town is.

Now the card is ready for the post.

There is a stamp on the card.

Mrs.Smith's name and street and town are on the right hand side of the card.

Mrs.Smith's town is in New York State.

Mr.Smith is taking the card to the Post Office.

He is going up the steps.

He will put the card in the letter box on the wall of the Post Office.

Page: 18

He is sending the card to Mrs.Smith.

This morning Mrs.Smith got the card which Mr.Smith sent her from San francisco.

She is reading it now.

She is reading:"I had a good journey..."

Reading and writing are parts of our education.

We get a great part of our education in school.

These boys and girls are at school.

The teacher is teaching them.

Mrs.Smith is sending Jane and Tom to school.

They will be at school before nine.

They get good teaching at school.

At school, Tom and Jane are learning.

They were reading and now they are writing.

Tom is writing the word learning on the board.

The teacher is teaching him the word learning.

Page: 19

Now Tom and Jane are back from school.

Jane is reading a story.

It is eight-thirty.

Tom is writing at the table.

Tom's dog is at his feet.

Mrs.Smith is reading the newspaper.

Tom and Jane are getting a good education.

They get some of it at school,and they get some of it from their mother and father.

Mrs.Smith is taking a look at Tom's work.

It is a good work.

Now Mrs.Smith is writing a letter to Mr.Smith.

She sends love from Tom and Jane to their father.

She will send the letter to Mr.Smith.

She has the letter in her hand.

Now she is sending the letter.

She sent the letter.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stamp [stæmp]


n. 邮票,图章,印,跺脚
v. 跺脚,盖章

mass [mæs]


n. 块,大量,众多
adj. 群众的,大规模

roe [rəu]


n. 鱼卵 n. 獐鹿

harbor ['hɑ:bə]


n. 海港,避难所
vt. 庇护,心怀,窝藏<





