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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第1册第21期:page149-page156

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Page: 149

We get knowledge by putting questions.

That is one way of getting knowledge.

The answers may give us knowledge or they may not.

When the answers are right, they give us knowledge.

When they are wrong they do not give us knowledge.

2+2=4 Right

2+2=5 Wrong

How far is the sun from the earth?

Which is the right answer:

"It is two miles away" or"It is much more than two miles away?"

Which is the wrong answer to the question?

Which is his right hand?

Which is his left hand?

He is facing you.

Now he has his back to you.

Which is his left hand now, and which is his right?

Page: 150

Our senses-seeing, hearing,touching,tasting, and smelling-are ways through which we get knowledge.

Our ideas come to us through our senses.

This is a doorway.

The way into the room is through the door.

The way out of the room is through the door.

"Which is the way to the station?"

"Take the first street to the right."

This man had no knowledge of the way to the station.

Now he has knowledge.

The station

The way to the station.

Page: 151

We get knowledge in different ways-

through our senses,

through talk with others,

through the work we do with our hands and our heads,

and through books.

These are all ways of getting knowledge.

Knowledge is very important.

It is important in itself.

And it is important as a way to other things.

A person who has no knowledge is of no use to others.

Is the word "use" part of your knowledge of english?

Knowledge gives us light.

It makes things clearer to us.

Page: 152

This is a boy.

He will be a man.

He was a baby.

He seems to be about twelve years old now.

Every night he has a long sleep in his bed.

He goes to bed at eight every night.

He gets up every moring at seven.

He gets out of bed and gives himself a good wash.

He puts his clothing on.

He says "Good morning" to his mother and father and takes his place at the table.

Page: 153

At school he sees his friends and does his work.

He keeps his thoughts on his work.

He does not let his thoughts go off to other things.

At play after school he sends the ball a long way.

He makes it go a long way.

Then he comes back from school.

Here he is with the family again.

Page: 154

Men and women are persons.

They have their work.

They put and take things,and give and get them.

They come and go.

They see and say things, keep things and let them go, make and send them.

Some seem happier than others.

All these sorts of things are done by men and women.

Things are put and taken by them.

Things are given and got by them.

Things are seen and said by them.

Things are kept and let go by them.

Things are make and sent by them.

Page: 155

Eve saw the apple.

She took it.

She gave it to Adam.

Eve did these things.

The apple was seen by her.

It was taken by her.

It was given by her to Adam.

These things were done by Eve.

We may say this in two ways.

She saw the apple and took it and gave it to Adam.

This may be said in two ways.

The apple was seen by Eve, and taken and given by her to Adam.

Page: 156

I will do it.

I am doing it.

I did it.

They will see it.

They are taking it.

They gave it.

It will be done by me.

It is being done by me.

It was done by me.

It will be seen by them.

It it being taken by them.

It was given by them.

I will say it.

I said it.

I made it.

I kept it.

I let it go.

I put it there.

I got it.

I sent it.

It will be said by me.

It was said by me.

It was make by me.

It was kept by me.

It was let go by me.

It was put there by me.

It was got by me.

It was sent by me.




