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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第1册第19期:page131-page139

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Page: 131

Now, put a stop to the motion of the seat.

When you do that the seat is at rest.

The man is not in motion.

But he has a feeling that he is turning round and round.

This is a picture of his feelings.

He is not turning round.

But he seems to himself to be turning round.

And everything round him seems to be turning round.

Why is this?

It is because change in our motion is the cause of our feelings of motion.

Through our sense of motion we get knowledge of changes in the rate and direction of our motion.

Page: 132

What is he doing?

He is hammering.

This is his hammer.

These are nails of different sizes.

He is putting the cover on a box.

He is nailing down the cover of the box.

The cover is on the top of the box.

The blows of the hammer make a noise.

He is making a very loud noise.

Mary has her hands over her ears.

"What a noise!" She is saying,"What a noise you are making."

Page: 133

Some noises are loud.

These are guns.

Guns make loud noises.

Those guns make more noise than this gun.

What is this?

It is a whistle.

It is a steam whistle.

It is making a loud noise.

This boy has a pocket whistle.

He is making some noise with it but not much noise.

This is music.

This is a song.

These are notes.

This is a high note.

This is a low note.

This is a very high mountain.

These are high mountains.

This is a high building.

It is a church.

This is a low building.

Page: 134

Noises and songs are sounds.

What are sounds?

They are the effects of waves in the air.

These are waves in the sea.

These are waves in a cord.

One end of the cord is fixed to a tree and the boy has the other end.

He is shaking it up and down.

with every shake he sends a wave down the cord to the tree.

As the wave goes down the cord this part,which was up, goes down.

And this part, which was down, goes up.

Page: 135

These are waves in the air.

They come to our ears.

They have effects in our ears and brains.

Those effects are sounds.

Here is a brain.

The part of the brain which does the most work in hearing has the word HEARING on it.

The most?

Some things have water in them.

This cup has some water in it.

This bucket has more water in it.

The sea has the most water in it.

Some animals have brains:

a horse has some brains;

a monkey has more brains;

and a person has the most brains of the three.

Page: 136

I have two dollars.

You have twenty dollars.

He has a thousand dollars.

He has more money than we have.

You have more money than I have.

He has the most money.

I have less money than he has.

I have less than you have.

I have the least money.

This is the highest note.

This is a lower note, but it is higher than this note.

Which is the lowest note of the three.

Farming is an important sort of work.

Is it more important than banking?

Page: 137

This mine is deep.

This mine is deeper.

This mine is the deepest of the three.

This plate has some salt on it.

This plate has more salt on it.

This plate has the most salt on it.

It has more salt on it than the other plates.

This is a good book.

These are two other good books.

One of them is better than the others.

It is the best book of the three.

This is a bad fire.

This is a worse fire.

This is the worst fire of the three.

Page: 138

She is looking at herself in a looking glass.

Again and again,every day, she takes a look at herself in a glass.

Whenever she sees a looking glass she goes to it and takes a look at herself.


Because looking at herself in the glass gives her pleasure.

She is beautiful.

She sees that she is beautiful.

Looking at himself in the glass gives him no pleasure.

It gives him pain.


He sees himself.

Is he beautiful?

Page: 139

"pleasure?"What is that?

"Pain?"What is that?

Put your finger in the flame.

No, I will not.

Why not?

Because of the pain.

Here is a nail.

You put your finger nail over this nail,

and I will give a blow with this hammer.

No,you will not.

I see what pain is now.

I see what the sense of the word "pain" is now.

This is another use of the word"sense. "

That is pain.

Pleasure is the opposite of pain.

"Opposite?" Good is the opposite of bad.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
whistle ['wisl]


n. 口哨,汽笛,厂笛,啸啸声,用于召唤或发布命令的哨声

flame [fleim]


n. 火焰,热情
v. 燃烧,面红,爆发

bucket ['bʌkit]


n. 水桶
vt. 装在桶里

hammer ['hæmə]


n. 锤,榔头
vi. 锤击,反复敲打





