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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第1册第18期:page121-page130

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Page: 121

Seeing and hearing and touch are three of our senses.

We get knowledge through our eyes(seeing),

through our ears(hearing),and through our fingers(touching).

These are three of our chief senses.

Another sense is taste.

This is a man's tongue.

These are his lips.

This is his chin.

The chief work of the tongue is tasting.

Here is some white powder on a plate.

It may be salt or it may be sugar.

Which is it-salt or sugar?

She is tasting the power.

She has some of it in her finger.

She is putting some of the powder on her tongue.

She is tasting it.

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We get salt from the sea.

The water in the sea has salt in it.

We get salt from salt mines.

Some mines are deep.

They go far down into the earth.

We get sugar from plants.

We get it from the stems of some plants.

We get sugar from the roots of some plants.

The salt or sugar which we put in food is a white powder.

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The taste of sugar is sweet.

This is a cake.

It has white sugar on the top.

Cakes with sugar on them are very sweet.

This is an orange.

This is its skin.

Some oranges are sweet.

But the taste of their skin is bitter.

Salt has a salt taste.

Sugar has a sweet taste.

To the eye salt and sugar seem the same.

But to the tongue they are very different.

Their taste is very different.

Page: 124

What is the work of the nose?

What do we do with our noses?

She has a flower in her hand.

She is smelling the flower.

Some flowers have a sweet smell.

Some flowers have no smell.

This is grass.

These flowers are in a garden.

They have a sweet smell.

These are pigs.

Some pigs are dirty.

Some pigs are clean.

The smell of dirty pigs is not sweet.

It is a bad smell.

This is smoke.

This is a fire.

Some smoke has a good smell.

The smell may not be sweet, but it may be a good smell.

He is smoking a pipe.

Is the smell of the smoke good?

Page: 125

We see things with our eyes and we see their colors.

Here are some names of colors:

green blue

white red

yellow gray

What is the color of grass and leaves in spring?

Grass and leaves in spring are green.

What is the color of this girl's lips?

Her lips are red.

The sky is blue.

It is blue when it is clear.

The color of some clouds is white.

Other clouds are gray.

The sun is yellow.

Sometimes when it is going down or coming up it is red.

This flame is yellow.

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We see things with our eyes.

We see the sizes and colors of things.

Sometimes things seem to our eyes greater or smaller than they are.

They are not what they seem.

This man is tall.

This man is short.

This is a tall woman.

This is a short woman.

Here are two men.

Do they seem the same size?

Which or them seems taller?

Does the man who is farther seem taller than the man who is nearer?

The pictures of them are the same size.

The lines in the picture make the man who is nearer seem shorter.

Page: 127

Seeing,hearing,touch, taste,and smell are the five senses.

But we have more than five senses.

Which are some of the other senses?

Our sense of how warm or how cold things are is another.

Here is some cold water with ice in it.

It is very cold.

Here is some water in the kettle.

The water is boling.

Steam is coming out of the kettle.

Here are three basins.

The basin to the right has very warm water in it.

The basin to the left has cold water in it.

The basin in the middle has water which is not cold and not warm in it.

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I put my hands in the basins at the sides.

One of my hands in the cold water; the other is in the warm water.

I keep them there for a time.

Now I am putting them together into the middle basin where the water is not cold and not warm.

What is this?

This water seems warm to one hand and seems to cold to the other.

It is the same water.

But it seems cold and warm at the same time.

Why is this?

It is because one hand was in warm water and the other in cold water

before I put them in this middle basin.

Page: 129

Another sense is our sense of motion.

Here is a seat which goes round and round.

A man is in the seat.

He is going round and round...

At first he has a feeling that he is in motion.

He has the feeling that he is going round.

The seat, with the man in it, keeps on turning round ant the same rate.

It does not go quicker.

It does not go slower.

After a time the man has a feeling that he is not in motion.

But there is no change in the rate at which the seat is turning.

It is going round the same number of times a minute.

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After a time, if the rate of turning is the same,the man seems to himself to be at rest.

He is like all the men and women on the earth.

We are all turning round all the time with the earth, but we seem to ourselves to be at rest.

We have no feeling that we are in motion.

This is because the rate of turning is the same.

The man is in motion.

He seems to himself to be at rest.

Here are three boys and a dog.

Two of the boys are taking a rest.

They are resting on their beds.

The other boy and the dog are in motion.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
powder ['paudə]


n. 粉,粉末,细雪,火药
vt. 洒粉于,使

flame [fleim]


n. 火焰,热情
v. 燃烧,面红,爆发





