这个单元,共有+组听力测骚(Listening Compretension),请先听每一段CD,再分别回答每一组题目。
听力测验分两部分:选择题和填空题。选择题的作法是,把一整段内文听完(可连续听几遍,当然更可以躺着听),再作答。填空题则是一边听内文,同时填写括号内遗漏掉的英语单词(有的不只一个词)。 解答附在每一组内文之后。
一般英语教学带的速度比较缓慢,本书所附的广播剧则为英美人士说话的正常速度,兼具戏剧和音效的临场感,情节生活化。初次聆听,也许不太适应, 多听几遍,耳朵熟能生巧,渐渐就可以理解内容。
1. Where did this episode take place?
a. on the bus b. on the train c. at the airport d. at home e. on the airplane
2. Where did the train go?
a. Boston b. San Francisco c. Long Island d. New York e. Philadelphia
3. What time was it?
a. at midnight b. at noon c. 7 o'clock in the morning d. 11 o'clock in the morning e. 7 o'clock in the evening
The sound wbs a dull ( 4. ) in my ears. I...I listened, wondering if it was real or part of a ( 5.). Suddenly, I was awake and I knew that I was riding on a train. But where? I didn't remember getting on a train. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in the ( 6. ) . There was only ( 7. ) through the window. A man sat across from me ( 8. ). There was a ( 9. ) down the aisle. A porter serving drinks. Everything nice and normal, except that I had no idea how I got on the train nor why I was there. I tried to think of a reason for being there. But I...I couldn't. These ( 10. ) of forgetfulness have been coming on more often lately. I leaned back and closed my eyes. Listened to the ( 11. ) of the train. A melody began to set itself to the rhythm. I couldn't remember ever having heard such a song, but somehow I seemed to know the words.
"Down in the valley, valley so low. Late in the evening, hear that train blow, hear that train blow..."
"I beg your pardon, sir. But your ( 12. ) is disturbing the other ( 13. )."
"Oh, I am sorry. "
"You understand, sir, it's the other passengers. I kind of like your singing myself."
"Your singing didn't disturb me ( 14. ), young man. That was a rather pretty melody. What was the name of it?"
"It' s...I...you know it's silly. But I... I don't know. I can't even remember the ( 15. ) now."
"That's the way it is with songs. I've had the same thing happen to me.
"So, what train is this ?"
"Why? It's the New York Express to Philadelphia. Ought to be there any minute too. You must have been on some party if it lasted all day.
"What…what time is it?"
"7 o'clock, p. m. that is. Yes, sir, it must have been pretty ( 16. ) out where you were."