智能手机时代,小高的生活已经完全被手机掌控,和许多人一样,他已成为“低头族”的一员,谁跟他说话他都心不在焉充耳不闻,和朋友出个门一路都在玩手机,朋友叫天天不应,叫地地不灵,到了想跟他好好说句话都要崩溃的地步,于是决定和他严肃地谈谈对于他沦落为手机控的不满,当然他还振振有辞认为网上交流不也一样吗?………智能时代的你,有没有想过用网络代替生活中的朋友家人?直接跟互联网建立朋友圈就好了,至于身边有没有一起hangout 的人其实已经不那么重要了……手机改变了你的生活吗?有时候并非我们刻意如此这样,而是被迅猛的时代大潮裹挟其中,未来也许会变得更加网络化智能化?来吧,坦白一下你与今日话题的生活匹配度:Cellphone Obsesstion 。
XG:Hey, Jing Jing. I could really use some advice.
JJ:Okay, I’m all ears. What’s up?
XG:Well, Jennifer won’t pick up the phone. I’ve tried calling her the past few days, but she won’t answer it. I think she’s mad. What should I do?
JJ:Well, Xiao Gao. Sometimes people just need some time alone. I recommend that you—Hey! Xiao Gao! What are you doing?-----------------------------------------------
XG:Sorry, what were you saying? I was sending a text message. Jeez, just hold on okay?
JJ:Oh the audacity! Did you forget?! -------------------------------------. What gives?
XG:I don’t know. Geez. Sorry for looking at my smartphone. Is it a crime or something?
JJ:You are more attached to that thing than Jennifer! I bet you that’s exactly why Jennifer won’t answer her phone. Maybe she thinks that you love your smartphone more than her! ————————————————————————————————
XG:Well, I talk to you on WeChat don’t I? What’s wrong with chatting online? Isn’t it the same?
JJ:Um, no! -------------------------------------------------. That’s like comparing apples and oranges. It’s definitely not the same, not even close!
XG:Hey, I really care about my smartphone. I bought it a nice cover, see?
JJ:Oh, seriously? You care about your smartphone? ——————————————————————————————I think you need help!
XG:Wait, wait. Okay, fine. Starting from now. Everytime we hang out, I won’t mess with my phone. I promise.
JJ:Okay, that’s a deal. Now, let me finish telling you what I think you should do with Jennifer.
XG:Okay, just give me one second. Let me send one last text message…
New words for dialogue:
I’m all ears =
Oh, the audacity! =
Pointers =
What gives? =
In real life =
Compare apples and oranges =
Personify =
Mess with [something] =