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美国学生世界地理教材(MP3+中英字幕) 第17期:没有尽头的队列(2)

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There are only six continents where people live, but on each of these there are several countries. A country doesn't mean the country. A country means cities, towns, villages and country under one ruler. There are eighty countries on the World. Some countries are small |with only a few thousand people in the whole country, and some countries are large with many millions of people. Our country, the United States, has over one hundred and fifty million people, but there are several countries with more. China, which is on the other side of the World, has the most people. It has three times as many people as the United States; and India, another country on the other side of the World, has the next largest number of people. Both these countries are in Asia—the largest continent with the shortest name and the most people.

世界上有人居住的大陆只有六个,但是每一个大陆上都有好 多个国家。“国家”并不意味着“乡村”。一个国家意味着处于一个统治者之下的城市、乡镇、村庄和乡村。世界上一共有80个国家。有的国家很小,全国总共只有几千人。有的国家很大,全国会有几百万的人。我们的国家,美国,有一亿五千万人,但是还有几个国家的人数更多。在世界另一面的中国拥有 最多的人口,是美国的三倍。世界另一面的另一个国家—印度—拥有第二多的人口。这两个国家都位于亚洲—最大的大陆,它的名字最短,人口最多。
Each country has a ruler, just as every family has a father or every football team has a captain. Some countries have a king for a ruler and some have a president, and most countries have other people to rule with the king and the president.
A king is a king because his father was a king, and his son will be king for the same reason. A president is president because he was chosen by the people in the country, just as the captain of a football team is chosen by his team. Choosing we call “voting.” A king is king for his whole life, but a president is president for only a few years.
一个国王能当国王是因为他的爸爸是国王,因为同样的原因 他的儿子也会成为国王。一个总统能当总统因为他是由他的国 家的人民选出来的,就像足球队的队长是由队员推选出来的一 样。这种推选叫做“选举”。一个国王一辈子都是国王,而一个总统只能当几年的总统。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
voting ['vəutiŋ]


n. 投票 动词vote的现在分词形式

ruler ['ru:lə]


n. 尺子,划线板
n. 统治者,支配者





