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实用词汇小百科 第24期:一起来运动2

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Xiaohua: Hello, Round Table's Word of the Week again. So last week, we talked about aerobic exercise. I guess it's time for anaerobic.
John: Exactly. Anaerobic exercise is exercise intense enough to trigger lactic acid formation. It is used in non-endurance sports to promote strength, speed and power and also to build muscle mass. So bottom line, an anaerobic exercise is a high intensity activity which lasts from mere seconds to up to two minutes.
Xiaohua: 无氧运动跟有氧运动相对,指的是高速剧烈的运动。运动时会在体内产生乳酸。因为强度很高,所以不能够很持久,一般从两秒钟到两分钟。
John: Yeah, so interestingly enough, anaerobic exercise increases your capacity to withstand the buildup of waste substances, such as lactic acid, and removes them from the body. This actually means your endurance and ability to fight fatigue will improve.
Xiaohua: 无氧运动可以加速身体的新陈代谢,还有肌肉的负重能力。
John: And so weight training is a common type of anaerobic exercise, again from mere seconds to two minutes.
Xiaohua: 负重训练weight training也是一种无氧运动,既可以通过负重器械,也可以通过像哑铃、杠铃这样的器械来完成。
John: And so sets of one to five repetitions primarily develop strength. Sets of six to twelve repetitions develop a balance of strength, muscle size and anaerobic endurance. And sets of thirteen to twenty develop anaerobic endurance.
Xiaohua: 力量训练,如果是做一到五次的话,主要是为了增强力量;做六到十二次,则是可以在力量均衡的同时还可以增肌;而如果做到十三到二十次,则对增强力量已经没有很大的帮助而主要的帮助是在增加无氧情况下肌肉的承受力。
John: Yeah, and so looking at free weights, there're a few different pieces of equipment you can use. One is the dumbbell. And I'm sure if you have been to a gym, you have seen many of these. The dumbbell is actually a part of a pair. Usually, you take one in both hands and use it in different exercises.
Xiaohua: 哑铃应该是最主要的力量训练的器械。一般是一只手拿一个用来均衡地训练力量。
John: Then there is the barbell which is, basically, just a bar that you can put different weights on top of it and uses in your exercise.
Xiaohua: 杠铃barbell,很多都是可调节重量的。
John: And then there is the medicine ball, which is a weighted ball roughly the diameter of the shoulders and is usually used for rehabilitation and strength training.
Xiaohua: medicine ball健身实心球经常被用来进行术后或者病后的恢复训练。
John: Then there is the kettlebell, sometimes called the cannonbell, which is, basically, a cast-iron or steel weight that looks kind of like a ball or cannonball with a handle.
Xiaohua: 壶铃长得有一点点像壶,在球上有一个把手。
John: And then, of course, there are the bodyweight exercises which many people are already familiar with. There is, of course, the push-up or press-up. That's used by lying in a prone position and raising and lowering the body only using the arms. This, actually, exercises the pectoral muscles so the chest, the triceps, as well as your shoulders.
Xiaohua: 还有一些体重训练,其实指的就是用自身的体重,而不是用哑铃、杠铃这些器械来训练力量。最通常的是push-up仰卧起坐(应该是俯卧撑,此为主持人口误)还有pull-up引体向上。
John: Then there is the pull-up again which most people are familiar with. Two different types of grips: the palms facing forward or away from you and then also the palms facing towards the person. These really help with the shoulders and the biceps.
Xiaohua: 引体向上锻炼得主要是肩部肌肉和肱二头肌。
John: And, of course, there is the sit-up and the crunch. The only real difference between the two is that the sit-up has a fuller range of motion and it targets the hips, not just the stomach. The crunch targets mostly only the stomach.
Xiaohua: 还有两种很常见的体重运动就是仰卧起坐和卷腹了。它们之间的区别是仰卧起坐的动作幅度更大,而且训练得有可能不光是腹部肌肉,还可能训练到臀部肌肉。而卷腹则只是训练腹部肌肉。And that's all we have for Round Table's Word of the Week.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
withstand [wið'stænd]


vt. 对抗,经得起,承受

intense [in'tens]


adj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的

capacity [kə'pæsiti]


n. 能力,容量,容积; 资格,职位

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

diameter [dai'æmitə]


n. 直径

promote [prə'məut]


vt. 促进,提升,升迁; 发起; 促销

fatigue [fə'ti:g]


n. 疲乏,疲劳,累活
adj. 疲劳的

intensity [in'tensiti]


n. 强烈,强度

range [reindʒ]


n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列
v. 排

endurance [in'djuərəns]


n. 忍耐,忍耐力,耐性





