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实用词汇小百科 第21期:整形手术

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Xiaohua: Hello, and welcome to Round Table’s word of the week. This week we are talking about plastic surgery as it seems that over half of the plastic surgery patients visiting South Korean doctors are Chinese.
John: Yeah, and so plastic surgery just gives you a quick definition is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function of the human bodies. So this can be cosmetic or aesthetic surgery, but it could also include non-elective medical surgery that is required, for example, severe burns or broken bones or things like that.
Xiaohua: 嗯,整形手术plastic surgery 指的可不光是美容类的手术还可以指医疗上用的,比如说伤痕的祛除等等。
John: In the term plastic surgery, plastic actually refers to sculpting or reshaping, which is derived from the Greek plastikē, which means the art of modeling of malleable flesh. So the actual surgical definition of “plastic” first appeared in 1839, which actually predates the actual modern use of plastic which is, you know, substance made from petroleum. So in this sense plastic surgery isn’t talking about, you know, the material plastic. It’s talking about how the human body is malleable and you can change how it looks.
Xiaohua: Right. 我们一般都觉得plastic是塑料的意思,但是它的另外一个意思也就是塑型,或者是雕塑。其实比塑料开始应用还要更早70年。
John: And so treatments for the plastic repair of a broken nose are first mentioned in the Edwin Smith Papyrus, which is a transcription from an Ancient Egyptian medical text, dating to the Old Kingdom of ancient Egypt 3000 to 2500 BC. Reconstructive surgery techniques were also being carried out in India by around 800BC. So we can see these types of techniques are actually very, very old.
Xiaohua: 哇,原来在4、5千年以前就有过重塑鼻子这样的整形手术了。
John: Ok, now let’s take a look at some different types of plastic surgery. So one of more common ones is called skin grafting and basically it’s you take skin from the recipient or from a donor. And you basically just stitch it back on to the recipient.
Xiaohua :最常见的一种整形手术实际上是植皮,也叫做skin grafting.
John: Mm-hmm, and there is also reconstructive plastic surgery which is used to correct functional impairments caused by burns, or traumatic injuries, congenital abnormalities, or perhaps even cancer, or tumors.
Xiaohua: 重建类的整形手术呢,包括治疗烧伤甚至还包括切除肿瘤。
John: And now we come to probably the most well-known aspect of plastic surgery and that is cosmetic surgery, sometimes called aesthetic surgery or perhaps even elective plastic surgery. So abdominoplasty or just “tummy tuck” which might be heard of is basically just reshaping and firming of the stomach area.
Xiaohua: 腹部塑型 actually this is different from liposuction, right?
John: Yeah, this is different from liposuction. So liposuction is literally just taking fat out of certain areas and sucking it out.
Xiaohua : 这跟我们通常所说的吸脂术还是不太一样的。
John: yeah, and so I think also one of the types of surgery that are many of our female listeners will probably be familiar with is the blepharoplasty or “eyelid surgery”.
Xiaohua: blepharoplasty 就是开双眼皮的手术。
John : And then there is the mammoplasty which can include breast implants, breast reductions and even a mastoplexy which is breast lift.
Xiaohua: en, mammoplasty 不光是指隆胸手术还有缩胸手术。
John: and then there is the ever popular rhinoplasty, or nose job, which is exactly when sounds like just make your nose look different.
Xiaohua: 嗯,right, rhinoplasty是针对鼻子的整形手术。
John: and then there is the rhytidectomy which is basically just face lift so removes wrinkles and signs of aging.
Xiaohua: 嗯,脸部的这个除皱术叫做rhytidectomy.
John: uh-huh. And that can include a neck lift, include a browplasty or brow lift, it can also include a midface lift or a cheek lift.
Xiaohua: okay, 颈部除皱,前额的除皱或者是面部的除皱都可以包括在它之内。
Actually talking about all these kinds of plastic surgery kind of turns me off towards any sort of these procedures. Are you gonna go through any of these?
Jonh: no, I don’t think I ever will. If my wife decides one day that she wants to, I think my main concern would be the cost and safety, otherwise I don’t think I’d have too much of a problem.
Xiaohua: ah, great! That’s all we have for Round Table’s word of this week.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
malleable ['mæliəbəl]


adj. 可塑的,易改变的

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

donor ['dəunə]


n. 捐赠人
[计算机] 施主

recipient [ri'sipiənt]


n. 接受者,收信人

surgery ['sə:dʒəri]


n. 外科,外科手术,诊所

stitch [stitʃ]


n. 一针,疼痛,碎布条
v. 缝合

transcription [træn'skripʃən, trænz'k-, trɑ:n-]


n. 抄写;抄本;誊写

petroleum [pi'trəuliəm]


n. 石油

correction [kə'rekʃən]


n. 订正,改正,改正的地方

aesthetic [i:s'θetik]


adj. 美学的,审美的,有美感的
n. (复





