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美国学生世界地理教材(MP3+中英字幕) 第8期:透过小望远镜看到的世界(4)

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The part of the World that isn't patches of shadow or snow is water.The water all around the continents is the ocean, and though of course there are no walls nor fences dividing it into different parts, its different parts are called by different names.Do you know your right hand from your left? Of course you do if you're over six years old.But do you know the west side from the east side? If you are over nine years old you should.The east is where the sun rises, the west is where it sets.And if your right hand is east, your left hand is west your face is north and your back is south


The Atlantic Ocean is on the east side of North and South America.The Pacific Ocean is on the west.The ocean entirely in the Eastern Hemisphere is called “Indian.” No, it is not named for our Indians.At the top of the World is the Arctic Ocean.At the bottom, all around Antarctica, is the Antarctic Ocean.The Arctic and Antarctic Oceans are mostly ice, for it is so cold there the water freezes and stays frozen.If we wanted to put names on the oceans so that a man off in the sky could read them, we would have to stick huge signs in the water, as we can't paint letters on the ocean.

大西洋位于南北美洲的东边,太平洋在西边。全部在东半球 的海洋叫做印度洋,起这个名字不是指美国的印第安人。在世 界的最顶部是北冰洋。在最底部,环绕着南极洲的是南冰洋。北冰洋和南冰洋大部分都是冰,因为那里太冷了,水都结冰了,一直处于冷冻状态。如果我们要在这里的海洋上写上字让天空中的人能看得到,我们得在水上贴上巨大的标志,因为没人能在海洋上画上字。

There is no reason why I should show you the World turned this way with North America on top.I might just as well show it upside down or sideways, for there is no upside nor downside on the World.I suppose the reason the north side is always shown on top is because the people who made maps and geographies all lived in the north part of the World and they wanted their part of the World on top.

并没有什么特别的原因让我把这个世界以北美洲在上的方式展示给你们看。我当然也可以把它上下颠倒过来或者斜向一边放,因为世界上根本就没有上部和下部之分。我想北半边总是 被放在上面是因为绘制地图研究地理的人都住在北半边,他们 想让他们那边在上边。

So this is our World.You may wonder, "Are there any other Worlds besides ours?" Some have guessed that there may be—that some of those sparks in the sky that look like stars at night may be other Worlds like ours with people living on them.But no one knows, for the strongest telescope is not strong enough for us to see what is on those far off sparks, so we can only guess about them.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

antarctic [æn'tɑ:ktik]


adj. 南极的 n. (the A-)南极洲,南极圈

shadow ['ʃædəu]


n. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处
vt. 投阴

hemisphere ['hemisfiə]


n. 半球

pacific [pə'sifik]


n. 太平洋
adj. 太平洋的





