1.bachelor’s degree 学识学位
Four years of experience in marketing, in addition to a bachelor s degree in management with major in marketing.
。2.raise standards 提高水平
The money was tied to efforts to raise standards and improve quality, something I always tried to do.
。3.Presidential campaign 总统竞选
In the emerging presidential campaign, it’s easy to see a version of these questions dominating the debate.
。4.weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器
But I am part of a society that is spending far more on weapons of mass destruction and producing far moretoxic waste than any other in the history of the world.
但是现在,我生活在这样一个社会中:它比人类历史上任何一个时期都研制更多的大规模杀伤性武器,比任何一个时期都产生更多的有毒废弃物 。
5.expand freedom 推进自由发展
America and many nations have great opportunities to improve health, expand prosperity, and extend freedomin our time.