1.graduated from 毕业于
Why Ms. Jones did not state that she had, in fact, graduated from Saint Rose is something that she may never understand.
为什么琼斯女士不愿说自己实际上是毕业于圣罗斯学院呢? 这一点,也许她自己永远都不会明白
。2.military strength 军事实力
The spokesman for the State Department disinformed some information about the country's military strength and plans in the news media.
。3.backe down 退让
But he never wavered on ideas, never backed down from the position that his ideology was right and his opponents were wrong.
但他在执政理念上从未动摇 。 在思想意识上,他从来都是坚定自己是正确的,而对手是错误的 。
4.Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖
How does that fit in with your esteemed chair of the Louis Center of the Arts and Pulitzer Prize winning poet?
5.space race 太空竞赛
Part of the reason is that the space race was ill-conceived from the start.