Facial hair may be all the rage in the West, but most Taiwanese men still prefer the clean shaven look. There's nothing wrong with that, unless you are promoting Philips Grooming Kits, in which case you have to ask: how do you interest the hairless in the artificial hair.
Trained hair stylists then subtly introduced the Philips trimmer, but this was only a teaser to arouse the curiosity. When the salon beverage was brought in, that was the time for our AR technology, and the transformation was instant...from reality to augmented reality. Watch it again. Here is "reality," and here it is "augmented." No APPs! No downloads! No wireless, 3G network involved! Just good old fashioned, low cost, fail-proof, ink and mirrors. When a target expressed interest, live customer support was right behind him, and the deal was closed by a promotional offer on Philips Grooming products, right in front of his eyes.
Thank you Augmented Reality technology! Thank you!