Throughout history, as any anthropologist will tell you, the simplest way to bind people to you has been to give them a special gift-a present that only you can give, and only they are worthy to receive; a present like the object in this programme.
纵观历史,每个人类学家都会告诉你,最简单的笼络人心的方式便 是赠送特别的礼物。一件只有你能送出,也只有对方才配拥有的礼物, 如本文中的这一件。
In the last few programmes I've been considering how the leaders of vast kingdoms and empires built and retained their supremacy, whether by borrowing the image of Alexander the Great, preaching the ideals of the Buddha in India, or buying off the priesthood in Egypt.
In this programme, we are in Han Dynasty China, two thousand years ago, exploring the giving of Imperial gifts-an activity which straddles the murky boundary between diplomacy and bribery.
Our cup comes from a turbulent period in the Han Dynasty, when at the centre the emperor was under severe threat and, at the edges of the Empire, he was struggling to keep control.
The Han had extended Chinese power as far south as Vietnam, west to the steppes of Central Asia and north to Korea, and in each of these places they had set up military colonies.
As Han commerce and settlements grew in these outposts, so their governors gained in power, and there was always a risk that they might turn into independent fiefdoms-what the Chinese now call 'splittism' was a worry even then.
The governors' loyalty to the Emperor needed to be secured. And one of the ways the emperor kept them on-side was to give them gifts that carried huge Imperial prestige.
In the British Museum we have an exquisite lacquer wine cup, which was probably given by the Han emperor to one of his military commanders in North Korea around the year 4 AD.