1.open square 空旷广场
The open square was bathed in light.
宽阔的广场淋浴在阳光中 。
This long narrow street bays out at the other end into an open square.
这条狭窄的长街在尽头 伸展 开来,形成一个开阔的广场 。
2.learn about 了解;学习
Do What Others Do: Learn about other businesses that interest you.
做别人会做的事:学习一些你感兴趣的别的行业的事 。
I challenge you to learn about your personality and leadership style, learn about the styles of others, and learn how to think on your feet when responding to questions.
我激发你对个性和领导模式的认识,让你了解其他的人性格类型,以及了解在回应别人问题时怎样深思熟虑地作出回应 。